When and where does the alchemist take place?

When and where does the alchemist take place?

The story occurs sometime between 1500 and the early 1800s, as there is little in the way of modern technology; the Muslims no longer rule Southern Spain, but Europeans are starting to find their way into North Africa as agents.

Where does Santiago live in the Alchemist?

Santiago Shepherd boy, the protagonist of The Alchemist. He travels from Andalusia in southern Spain to the Egyptian pyramids in search of hidden treasure, learning life lessons along the way. Santiago is a dreamer and a seeker, and he stands for the dreamer and seeker in all of us.

What places does Santiago go in the Alchemist?

This journey takes him from the countryside of Andalusia, to the southernmost part of Spain in the city of Tarifa, across the Strait of Gibraltar to Morocco, and through the Sahara Desert to Faiyum.

What is the geographical setting at the beginning of the Alchemist?

The geographical setting at the beginning of the novel is an abandoned church in Andalusia. Santiago meets an old man in the village.

What was Santiago’s true gift?

He received 50 gold pieces and a job as a counselor.

What vision does Santiago have when he is birdwatching?

Answer Expert Verified. The question refers to the book The Alchemist written by Paulo Coelho. Here while he was in the dessert, Santiago, seeing the hawks fighting has a vision, a glimpse that armies will ride through the oasis.

What does Santiago tell the alchemist that his heart is afraid of?

Santiago tells the alchemist his heart doesn’t want him to continue because it fears it will lose everything. The alchemist replies that no heart suffers while it pursues its dreams, because to pursue a dream is to encounter God.

What test does the alchemist give Santiago?

The Alchemist tells Santiago to find life in the desert. He is testing the boy to use his heart and, “Only those who can see such signs of life are able to find treasure.

Why should I read The Alchemist?

It focuses on the individual and the pursuit of individual dreams as making a positive contribution to the “Soul of the World”. It shows that obstacles to one’s personal legend are merely obstacles – not blockades. It challenges you to think about your own personal legend. It explores the meaning of “living the dream”.

How long will it take to read the Alchemist?

3 hours and 50 minutes

Is The Alchemist realistic?

Magical realism, or magic realism, is a narrative technique that blends reality with the fantastic. Both the ordinary and the extraordinary are presented as a matter of fact, and there is usually a strong hint of social criticism that runs throughout the narrative. This is certainly what Coelho does in The Alchemist.

Is The Alchemist a self help book?

“The Alchemist” is one of the most popular self-improvement books on the market. “The Alchemist” is one of the most popular self-improvement books on the market. The Alchemist is one of those “esoteric” feeling books that makes you feel like life is vivid again.