Whats the difference between ESTA and estan?

Whats the difference between ESTA and estan?

Están means “they are” in Spanish and “estás” means “you are (informal)”. “Estas”, however, means “these” when you are talking about feminine nouns, like las sillas or las ventanas. Otherwise it would be estos if you are talking about masculine nouns. “Se” is used for when you have a reflexive verb.

What is the word Están used for?

“Está” means “It is” and “están” means “They are”. We use estar to locate things/people somewhere.

Is estan formal or informal?

Ustedes refers to a plural “you.” Use it when greeting two or more people at the same time. Across Latin America, ustedes can be used in formal or informal situations. In Spain, it’s used exclusively in formal situations (like usted).

Is estan formal?

Esta/estas comes from a different verb in fact, the verb Estar. Estar also means to be but refers more to temporary states than to permanents states. So, ‘esta’ is the formal/Ud. form of estar, whereas ‘estas’ is the informal/tu form of estar.

How do you use estan in a sentence?

Están orgullosos. They’re proud. Son orgullosos. They’re conceited.

Is Vosotros formal?

An Intro to Spanish Second-person Pronouns In Spain, the singular second-person subject pronouns are tú (informal “you,” one person) and usted (formal “you,” one person). The plural forms are vosotros/vosotras (informal men or mixed groups/a group of all women) and ustedes (formal, group).

What is the difference between Vosotros and Vosotras?

These are primarily used in Spain to address more than one person in an informal way. The endings of these words indicate whether we are addressing a group of men or women: vosotros is used for men, and vosotras for women.

Is usted only used in Spain?

In Spain, usted (singular) and ustedes (plural) are used, as well, but only for more formal occasions, or occasions where respect must be shown. So, if you meet the Pope while in Spain, be sure to use the usted form. In other Spanish-speaking countries, however, vosotros is never (or rarely) used.

What is the abbreviation of ustedes?

When you’re talking to more than one person, you use Ustedes. Ud. Is the abbreviation for Usted, and Uds. Is the abbreviation for Ustedes.

Where is usted and ustedes used?

You will use “usted” in formal occasions, to show respect to the person and if they are older than you. “Ustedes” is just the plural of “usted”. It is used when talking to a group of people (both formal and informal).

What is the difference between usted and ustedes?

1 Answer. Well, usted and ustedes are both the formal forms of ‘you;’ usted is singular ‘you,’ and ustedes is plural ‘you. ‘ In English we use the same word for both singular and plural. Tú is the informal form of ‘you.

Do you use tu or usted with teachers?

In Spanish we use (usted) as a respect for older people or people with more Hierarchy. You must say ud to your teacher, grand parent, your boss etc. We use tú to refer o talk to your friend ,sibling, partner . Two words in Spanish(Usted, tú) for one word in English (you).

Who do you use usted with?

This is the general rule: Use tú for informal situations such as with a friend, children, young people, people you know very well. Use usted (Ud.) for formal situations such as in a job interview, in a bank, with elderly people, with someone you don’t know or you have just met.

Do you use tu or usted with parents?

In Spanish, you should refer to your parents, teachers, pastor/priest, boss, etc. as “usted” The fact that in some countries people have become used to using “tú” doesn’t make it ok.

How do you address a teacher in Spanish?

If you work in Spain they will most likely call you by your first name, Dean. “Maestra/o” is more common for elementary teachers. I’d suggest “profesora”. Maestro is nice but mine always called me “Teacher” or “Don Juan” in Bolivia.

What makes a good Spanish teacher?

“Well said”, “Excellent job”, “You’re learning fast”, and “Keep up” are good examples of appreciative words. Professional Spanish teachers are considerate of discouraged kids. They will do their best to validate and appease your kid’s feelings.

What is coffee with rum called?

Now, what happens when you combine rum and coffee? Well, we might call it magic, but the official name is Café Caribbean.

What is leche leche?

Cortado Leche Leche – Or just plain old Leche, Leche basically, a dollop of condensed milk at the bottom of the small glass, over which is poured the coffee and then the rest of the glass is filled with hot milk. Leche is Spanish for milk, so the repetition of the word refers to the two types of milk in the drink.

What does cafe con leche mean?

What is café con leche? Literally speaking, it’s coffee (café) with milk (leche).