What words can you spell on a calculator?

What words can you spell on a calculator?

Do the following sums and then turn your calculator upside down to get the answer which is a word.

  • 22032 ÷ 4 = BOSS.
  • 57171 – 63 = BOILS.
  • 83765 – 25687 = BLOBS.
  • 77.34 ÷ 100 = HELLO.
  • (378 x10000) + 1637= LEGIBLE.
  • 609 x 5 = SHOE.
  • 530700 ÷ 15 = OBESE.
  • 6427 x 5 = SEIZE.

What does 5318008 spell on a calculator?


How do you confuse a calculator?

Tell your volunteer to pick a 4-digit number and put it into the calculator twice. Any 4-digit number will work for this trick. Hand the calculator to the volunteer and have them enter the number. For instance, if your volunteer picks the number “7893,” they would type ” into the calculator.

Can a calculator be hacked?

Calculator Hacked for Cheating Includes a Secret OLED Screen, Wifi, and Even a Chat Function. But that doesn’t mean cheating is impossible, it just requires considerably more effort, like upgrading a dumb Casio calculator with a secret screen, wifi, and even messaging functionality.

How can you guess someone’s age?


  1. Ask your friend to choose a number between two and ten.
  2. Multiply the given number by two.
  3. Add five to the answer.
  4. Multiply that number by 50.
  5. Ask your friend if they’ve already celebrated their birthday for this year.
  6. Subtract the year that they were born.
  7. Look at your final answer.

Is asking someone’s age rude?

Age is one of the most sensitive topics for many people since ageism continues to be a problem in society. It’s understandable, although rude, for people to ask at your birthday party. However, it’s unconscionable for someone to randomly inquire about how old you are.

How do you ask a girl her age indirectly?

Lol it’s as easy as it sounds.

  1. How old are you?
  2. I guess i am older than you.
  3. Are you 1998 born? (
  4. Whom will you vote in 2019? ( she says modi) oh so you’ll be over 18 by then.
  5. Suppose you found a suitcase full of teddy bears.
  6. Tell me your age and i’ll tell you my salary. (

Can your hands tell your age?

According to the study, most people can accurately tell a person’s age by viewing only their hands. “A primary motivation to have plastic surgery is to look and feel better, often by seeking a younger looking appearance.

At what age do women’s looks peak?

– In the study, men’s desirability peaks at age 50. But women’s desirability starts high at age 18 and falls throughout their lifespan.

At what age does your face change most?

The biggest changes typically occur when people are in their 40s and 50s, but they can begin as early as the mid-30s and continue into old age. Even when your muscles are in top working order, they contribute to facial aging with repetitive motions that etch lines in your skin.

Do wrists get thicker with age?

It’s pretty simple, actually. If you pick up and carry various heavier things for, let’s say, 20–30 years, eventually at least your wrists will get thicker.

Can hands grow after 18?

Hands should stop growing along with the rest of your body. So that’s around 19–22 years old for men, and usually early to mid teens for young women.

Can your wrists get smaller?

Some people have thicker wrists than others and it’s just a simple fact. There are some exercises for your wrists that can help to strengthen them, however, some people will always have slightly thicker wrists due to bone structure. Overall weight loss will begin to shrink down even your wrist fat and finger fat.

Are small wrists bad?

Having small wrists is not a bad thing however, it does not also mean you are weak or that you’re in a bad shape. In terms of dressing, with the smaller size of your wrist, a watch can look comically over-sized or uncomfortably small on your arm.

Is a 6 inch wrist small?

6 inch wrist – Considered small. 7 inch to 7.5 wrist – Considered average. 39mm, 40mm, and 42mm range will fit best. 8 inch and larger – Considered Large.

Can I make my wrists thicker?

You can’t, in any good useful way. The thickness of the wrist you see is the width of the bone in your forearm at that point, padded with tendons and other tissue. The only thing that can grow or increase is fat deposited, and you DO NOT want so much fat on you that there is a considerable amount even on your wrists.

Does small wrists mean small frame?

For men, a wrist size of 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 inches indicates a small frame, while a measurement over 7 1/2 inches is typically of a larger bone structure. Females 5 feet 7 inches and taller are small boned if the wrist measures less than 6 1/4 inches and large framed if the wrist is more than 6 3/4 inches in circumference.

Can a small boned person get big?

Bones can become stronger by resistance training, but they do not grow. Your bones may be a limiting factor in how much muscle mass you can put on. You can’t grow bigger than your frame can support. It is impossible to gain mass, without at least some strenght gain.

Is big boned a real thing?

There is such a thing as being big boned—but it’s not a medical term, and it’s never used correctly. People with larger bones are slightly larger for their heights, yes . . . but it’s the soft tissue atop and around those bones—muscle and fat—that make some people look more “big boned” than others.

Can a big boned person become thin?

Absolutely! “Skinny” by definition, is the amount of fat your carrying on those big bones. You can be a large boned or big framed person and still have a low percentage of body fat. Yes, skinny as in not having fat nor muscles, just skin and bones.

Why am I so heavy but don’t look it?

While it’s a myth that muscle weighs more than fat—after all, a pound is a pound—it is denser, which means it takes up less space in the body. This may explain why you look slimmer but the scale hasn’t budged. Water weight could also be a factor, according to strength and conditioning coach Brandon Mentore.

Why do I weigh more than I look?

1. You have gained muscle mass. Since dense muscle tissue takes up less space than fat, it’s possible you may weigh the same (or even more) yet appear slimmer than another person with the same weight, a similar height and frame because of the difference in your body composition.”

Is everyone’s bones the same size?

Only about 15 percent of people do have a larger than average frame, and about the same have a smaller than average skeleton. The majority of us, therefore, are just average. There is, however, a pretty easy way to find out, which compares the circumference of your wrist to your height.

Do all humans have 206 bones?

Every single person has a skeleton made up of many bones. These bones give your body structure, let you move in many ways, protect your internal organs, and more. It’s time to look at all your bones — the adult human body has 206 of them!

What does big boned girl mean?

People with the following measurements are considered large boned: Women. Less than 5 feet 2 inches tall and wrist size larger than 5.75 inches. 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 5 inches tall and wrist size larger than 6.25 inches. More than 5 feet 5 inches tall and wrist size larger than 6.5 inches.

What is the strongest bone in your body?

The femur bone is the longest and strongest bone in the body. Located in the thigh, it spans the hip and knee joints and helps maintain upright posture by supporting the skeleton. 2. The humerus bone is in the upper arm and spans the shoulder and elbow joints.

Are teeth stronger than bones?

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. The shiny, white enamel that covers your teeth is even stronger than bone. This resilient surface is 96 percent mineral, the highest percentage of any tissue in your body – making it durable and damage-resistant.

Which bone is big in human body?


Is bone stronger than steel?

The human body can take a remarkable amount of punishment, given bones made of one of the strongest materials found in nature. Bone is extraordinarily strong — ounce for ounce, bone is stronger than steel, since a bar of steel of comparable size would weigh four or five times as much.