What word reads the same upside down?

What word reads the same upside down?

ambigramAn ambigram (from Latin: ambi both + gram = letter) is a word or words that can be read in more than one direction, where the word reads the same when upside down or turn over to form an entirely new word. The term “ambigram” was first used to mean “ambiguous anagram” by Judith E.

What word looks the same upside down and backwards 5 letters?

But it's not to blame. What is the word? SWIMS. If you turn the word upside down it's the same word (the W and M flip to resemble themselves).

What 4 letter word can be written forward backwards and upside down answer?

What 4-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right? Answer: NOON.

What word can be written forward backwards and upside down and can still be read from left to right?

The word NOON can be written forward, backward and upside down and still be read from left to right but it has to be in capital letters.