What word means to make less severe?

What word means to make less severe?

to make less severe: to mitigate a punishment. to make (a person, one's state of mind, disposition, etc.) milder or more gentle; mollify; appease.

What word means to become worse?

For a formal-sounding verb that means to make worse, try exacerbate. If you're in trouble, complaining about it will only exacerbate the problem. Exacerbate is related to the adjective acrid, often used to describe sharp-smelling smoke. Think of exacerbate then as a sharp or bitter thing that makes something worse.

What is a word worse than horrible?

scandalous, ghastly, horrendous, abominable, dreadful, horrid, eerie, disgusting, abhorrent, terrifying, hideous, heinous, grisly, shameful, awful, gruesome, nasty, grim, scary, terrible.

What a word for making something seem better than it is?

exaggerateexaggerate | Intermediate English to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is: [ T ] The media exaggerate the risks and benefits of research findings.