What word has no vowels but Y?

What word has no vowels but Y?

The longest words that contain no vowel and no 'y' are crwth (a Celtic stringed instrument), cwtch (a shed, cuddle, or hiding place), phpht (an expression of mild irritation), and grrrl (part of the phrase 'riot girl', which describes a subculture that mixes feminism and punk rock).

How many English words have no vowels?

The answer is slightly different depending on what you consider a word. There are over 100 entries in OxfordDictionaries.com that don't have any vowels, but most of these are initialisms (abbreviations consisting of initial letters pronounced separately) like HTML, DVD, and LBD.

Does every word in the English language have a vowel?

Regardless of what position you take on the issue, it's clear that nearly all English words have at least one vowel, regardless of how you define it. Vowels are important and make nearly every word better!

Are there any words that are only vowels?

Words (found in major English dictionaries) consisting entirely of vowels include AA (a type of lava), AE, AI, AIEEE, IAO, OII, EAU, EUOUAE, OE, OO, I, O, A, IO, and UOIAUAI, the last of these being the longest vowel-only word (seven letters).