What we need is some good taters?

What we need is some good taters?

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers2002

  • Sam: What we need is a few good taters.
  • Gollum: What’s taters, precious? What’s taters, eh?
  • Sam: Po-tay-toes. Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew.
  • Sam: Even you couldn’t say no to that.
  • Gollum: Oh yes we could. Spoilin’ nice fish.
  • Sam: You’re hopeless.

Is Tasty precious?

Gollum : My precious… will it taste delicious? It will! Bilbo Baggins : Give me some time.

Whats is precious?

adjective. of high price or great value; very valuable or costly: precious metals. highly esteemed for some spiritual, nonmaterial, or moral quality: precious memories. dear; beloved: a precious child. affectedly or excessively delicate, refined, or nice: precious manners.

Who said precious?


Did Gollum eat babies?

Did Gollum eat orcs? Yes he did! We know that he killed and ate young orcs (goblins) for centuries when he lived beneath the Misty Mountains. The narrator tells us this in The Hobbit.

Is Gollum good or bad?

Gollum is a tragic figure because he is basically cursed by his mental and moral weakness and his dependence on the One Ring, but he is evil and has never been particularly good.

What disorder does Gollum have?

Liz Sampson, concludes that Gollum was actually suffering from schizoid personality disorder. In the paper, Sméagol is described as a single, 587 year old, hobbit-like male of no fixed abode. He displays antisocial behaviour, increasing aggression, and preoccupation with the ‘one ring’.

Does Gandalf die?

Gandalf made him this way. In the middle of the first Lord of the Rings novel, The Fellowship of the Ring, shortly after his pronouncement on death to Frodo, Gandalf dies. “I can’t explain the impact that had on me at 13,” Martin said in a recent interview with PBS. “You can’t kill Gandalf.

Why did Bilbo not kill Gollum?

Bilbo didn’t kill Gollum just because he wanted to know the way to get out from the mountain. If he killed Gollum, there would be no one left underground, so he won’t be able to get out from the mountain. Although he had risk to play riddles because he may be eaten, but he mustn’t kill Gollum if he want to get out.

Why don’t they kill Gollum?

He evaded capture and, drawn by Sauron’s evil, made his way to Mordor. There he was taken and tortured, and Sauron learned the fate of the One Ring and learned the names Baggins and Shire. Sauron made a great mistake, and did not kill Gollum.

Why are hobbits immune to the ring?

The pull of the ring is not too great on the hobbits because it senses nothing remarkable or exceptional in them. The ring has a will of its own and will work itself towards evil anytime that it can. It takes a strong and stubborn mind to resist it. We see Boromir give in to the will of the ring and he’s only near it.

How old do hobbits live?

100 years

Can hobbits swim?

Bilbo and three of the four principal hobbit characters in The Lord of the Rings (Frodo, Pippin, and Merry) had Fallohide blood through their common ancestor, the Old Took. They had an affinity for water, dwelt mostly beside rivers, and were the only hobbits to use boats and swim.

How does Gimli die?

According to the Redbook of Westmarch, he set sail with Legolas after Aragorn’s death out of a desire to see Galadriel again, and that this strange request may have been granted. Gimli, being a dwarf, would have died a natural death eventually just as Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam would have (according to Tolkien).

How does Frodo die?

He bites Frodo’s finger off, along with the ring. Gollum is so happy that he starts to dance and jump and loses his footing and falls into the fire, thus destroying him and the ring. Later, the injured Frodo and Sam are rescued by the Eagle King from the side of Mount Doom. Answer has 7 votes.

Is the undying lands heaven?

No, the undying lands were in the beginning simply where the Valar decided to make their homes. Something I saw that helped clear the subject for me was that the Undying Lands are called that because the undying (Elves, Maiar, Valar) live there, not because it is heaven.

What age did Legolas die?

How Old are the Characters in Lord of the Rings (From Youngest to Oldest Character age)

Character Name: Age:
Legolas 2931*
Elrond 6000+
Galadriel 7000
Gandalf (Olórin) Unknown

Is Legolas married?

Legolas never marries. The closest he gets is spending the rest of his life, as far as we know, with Gimli; they travel around Middle Earth for decades together, and eventually Gimli is given special dispensation to travel to the Undying Lands with his “friend” Legolas—the only dwarf ever to do so.

How old is Smaug?

Certainly dragons live very, very long– Glaurung had been ‘brooding’ for a century, and was still considered to be juvenile. Smaug was at very least ~180 years old by the time he was slain.

Is Legolas older than Gandalf?

Gandalf has a younger form in Middle-Earth who is appeared to be about 60 but in reality he is 2019 making him older than Middle-Earth. Legolas was not born in TA 87, that date was made up for a reference book to the films. His actual date of birth is unknown. Tolkien never mentioned when was Legolas born.

Can Gandalf kill Smaug?

The destruction of the dragon would be only half the job. This is covered in Appendix A of Lord of the Rings: The Dragon Sauron might use with terrible effect. Despite all of which, if it had come to it, Gandalf likely would have been able to fight and destroy Smaug, if there had been no other choice.

Who is the oldest elf in Lord of the Rings?


Is Legolas a high elf?

Legolas is one of the Silvan elves or wood-elves. Legolas’ father Thranduil was Sindarin, the Sindar was a group of Teleri Elves that chose to stay in Middle Earth. While they are related to the Teleri, they aren’t considered High Elves because they never went to Valinor.

Did Legolas love anyone?

So much so, in fact, that he never shows any interest in romance ever again. He never even talks about romance in The Lord of The Rings trilogy. While he became averse to falling in love, the son of Thranduil did not become loveless. Legolas traded romance for strong, loving companionship among friends.

How do you say hello in Elvish?

“Mae g’ovannen!” means “well met!” in Sindarin and is commonly used to greet people. In Quenya, general greetings and thanks include “namárië” (be well), “aiya” (hello), and “hara máriessë” (stay in happiness).