What was the code of chivalry and what was its purpose?

What was the code of chivalry and what was its purpose?

The Code of Chivalry was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct – qualities idealized by the Medieval knights such as bravery, courtesy, honor and great gallantry toward women.

What is the code of chivalry called today?

Terms in this set (15) -The code of chivalry has been documented in the “song of roland”, The “song of roland” describes the 8th century knights of the dark ages and the battles fought by Emperor Charlemagne. The code since then has been known as “Charlemagne’s code of chivalry”.

What happens if you break the code of chivalry?

Knights who did not obey the code of conduct faced public humiliation, especially those who behaved cowardly in battle. If found guilty of not following the code, his shield was cracked in two, his sword was cracked over his head, and he was put into a coffin and dragged to the church, where a mock funeral was held.

Why was the code of chivalry important?

Chivalry Was Established to Keep Thuggish, Medieval Knights in Check. Knights in the Middle Ages were heavily-armed and prone to violence. In the 21st century, the word chivalry evokes a kind of old-fashioned male respect for women. But during the Middle Ages, the code was established for much grittier reasons.

What chivalry means?

English Language Learners Definition of chivalry : the system of values (such as loyalty and honor) that knights in the Middle Ages were expected to follow. : an honorable and polite way of behaving especially toward women.

What is chivalrous behavior?

The word chivalrous originally described gallantry, valor, honor, and courtesy, associated with the medieval code of knighthood. Medieval knights are no longer with us, but chivalrous has survived in modern usage, usually to describe a man — or a behavior — showing courtesy or attentiveness toward women.