
What type of source is Time magazine?

What type of source is Time magazine?

Time is an American news magazine and news website published and based in New York City. For many years, it was published weekly, but by 2021 it switched to bi-weekly. It was first published in New York City on March 3, 1923, and for many years it was run by its influential co-founder Henry Luce.

Is Discover magazine reliable?

Some magazines—like Discover—are more authoritative than a general news magazine but less authoritative than a scholarly journal. In the sciences, studies done by interested parties would normally not be accepted uncritically (such as pollution studies commissioned by chemical companies).

Is Discover peer reviewed?

Why publish in the Discover Journals The Discover journals uphold the ethical standards for research and publication as defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and support authors in adhering to these throughout the peer-review process.

Who is Scientific American Owned by?


Who are the editors of Scientific American?


  • Mariette DiChristina. Editor in Chief. Mariette DiChristina oversees Scientific American,, Scientific American MIND and all newsstand special editions.
  • Fred Guterl. Executive Editor.
  • Robin Lloyd. News Editor, ONLINE.
  • Ricki Rusting. Managing Editor.

Is Scientific American Free? includes both free and fee-based services. This document outlines Terms of Use for both free and fee-based services that you have purchased or may purchase in the future. The subscription plans offered on are offered to individual customers for their personal use only.

How much is Scientific American?

For $34.99 a year, your Print & Digital Subscription includes monthly delivery of print issues and is accessible on all of your devices via the web and Android and iOS apps.

Is Scientific American political?

In response, Wall Street Journal online columnist James Taranto jokingly called Scientific American “a liberal political magazine”.

How do I cancel my subscription to Scientific American?

All Scientific American and Mind subscriptions sold on our website will automatically renew once a year until you tell us to stop. You can call us or email us at any time to stop renewals or cancel a subscription.

Is New Scientist weekly or monthly?

New Scientist

New Scientist cover, issue 3197 dated 29 September 2018
Editor Emily Wilson
Categories Science
Frequency Weekly
Total circulation (2016 H2) 124,623

Is Scientific American Mind still in print?

Now Scientific American MIND, initially begun in 2004 as a print edition that was reproduced in PDF archives, has fully undergone a digital transformation. Oh, you can still turn the pages on your tablet or mobile phone, but they will no longer be made of ink and paper.

Where can I buy a Scientific American magazine?

Scientific American magazines are sold at Walmart, Barnes & Noble, Hudson News, Books A Million, and other leading magazine retailers in the United States and Canada.

How do I contact Scientific American?

how to contact us

  1. Subscriptions. For new subscriptions, renewals, gifts, payments, and changes of address: U.S. and Canada, outside North America, or [email protected].
  2. Submissions.
  3. Reprints.
  4. Permissions.
  5. Advertising.

WHO publishes Scientific American magazine?

Springer Nature

Is political a science?

Put most simply, political science is the study of politics, government, and public policy, both in the U.S. and around the world. Like other social sciences, political science uses a “scientific” approach, meaning that political scientists approach their study in an objective, rational, and systematic manner.

How long has Scientific American been around?


Is the scientific method reliable?

In the scientific method, unexpected results are not trusted, while expected and understood ones are immediately trusted. The fact that we do “this” to observe “that” may be very misleading in the long run

Is Springer nature peer-reviewed?

Home to the world’s most influential journals Springer Nature is the publisher of the world’s most influential journals and a pioneer in the field of open research. Our open access journals on and provide a large portfolio of peer-reviewed open access journals.

Is Springer nature the same as nature?

Key competition authorities including the European Union and the US Department of Justice have cleared the merger of Springer Science+Business Media and the majority of Macmillan Science and Education. The new company will be called Springer Nature

Who published nature?