What to say to someone who has a baby with Down syndrome?

What to say to someone who has a baby with Down syndrome?

An opening statement could be: "She looks very healthy but I have some news for you that you might not have been expecting. Your baby has Down's syndrome." You should be touching the baby as you say this and using her name, indicating your acceptance of the child.

How do you announce a baby with Down syndrome?

Among the advice: Do it as early as possible, as families and friends take their cues from your attitude in announcing it. The handbook also reprints an essay called "Welcome to Holland," by a mother of a child with Down syndrome, which some families include in their birth announcements.

How can you help someone with Down syndrome?

Here are some tips that can help you to foster good mental wellbeing in someone with Down's syndrome for whom you care and support: Focus on the positives. Change the focus from what the person can't do to what they can. Encourage unique interests and talents or relative strengths.