What surfaces can you Mosaic on?
What surfaces can you Mosaic on?
Glass: You can mosaic on flat sheets of window glass or glass items like bowls, votives, plates, etc. mosaic is fixed to the net, the excess trimmed and then embedded into cement, or grouted and glued onto its perma- nent base. Walls, fixtures, plaster items, ceramics, containers, trays, found objects…
What can I use for Mosaic backing?
The best all-around mosaic backer is concrete backer board, such as that used in bathrooms as the sub-floor for tile floors. Concrete backer board is cheap, cuts easily, comes in 1/4″ and 1/2″ thick sheets, and is available at almost any building material store.
What are the materials for making mosaic?
Tesserae are pieces of ceramic, glass, stone, or other materials used to create a mosaic design. Try to re-use old or recycled materials as tesserae whenever possible, such as broken ceramic tiles, stained glass, mirrors, beach glass, china, and pottery.
How do you grout mosaic art?
Even though mosaic tiles will adhere to a glass surface, the weight of a full mosaic table top could crack the glass. Your best option is to replace the glass table top with wood before you make the mosaic. If you prefer that your table has a base that you can see through, replace the glass with translucent lexan.