What start with p and end with E and has thousands of letters?

What start with p and end with E and has thousands of letters?

A word that starts with the letter P and ends with the letter E…it is obviously POST OFFICE., but I wonder if the post office has a million letters because people are busy sending messages and letters online. It also saves trees by avoiding the use of paper for letters, greetings and invites.

What is it called when a word begins and ends with the same letter?

a word (phrase, number, sentence etc) that reads the same backward and forward. civic, noon, refer, tenet, stats, kayak, mom, wow, level, Anna. There is a song called “Bob” by Weird Al. (The name explains a lot.) The lyrics are palindromes.

Can you write cow in 13 letters?

So you can write “COW” in 13 Letters as “SEE-O-DOUBLEYOU”.