
What size drill bit is r?

What size drill bit is r?

Letter Drill Sizes

Drill Inch mm
O 0.316 8.03
P 0.323 8.20
Q 0.332 8.43
R 0.339 8.61

Do you need to drill pilot holes for lag bolts?

Pilot or lead holes are typically used to ease the installation of large diameter lag bolts. Full points are not needed for large diameter lag bolts, because pilot holes should be drilled to ensure the heads do not break when torque is applied.

What is a shank pilot hole?

A pilot hole works in conjunction with a screw-shank clearance hole. A pilot hole is a small-diameter hole bored into the bottom board. Its purpose is to provide a path for the screw to enter the board without splitting it. Note that pilot holes in hardwood are slightly larger than those for softwoods.

What is Shank hole size?

A perfect 7/8″ hole would result in a press-fit for most shanks, especially over-chromed shanks.

What does pilot hole mean?

A pilot hole is a small hole drilled into a piece of construction material.

How do you fill countersunk holes?

  1. Countersink the screws into the surface of the wood with a screwdriver.
  2. Apply a small amount of wood filler onto a drywall spatula and cover the hole with wood filler.
  3. Wait 24 hours and then sand the surface of the wood with a sanding block until the wood filler is level with the wood surface.

How do you reuse a screw hole?

Fill the hole with wood glue and then pound in your peg. Let it dry overnight and then cut off the remainder of the peg flush with the surface. At this point you can drill a new pilot hole for your screws. If you are lacking a wooden peg or the skills to make one use round wooden toothpicks.

Can you put a screw in the same hole?

When putting the screws back in place very gently turn the screwdriver until you feel the screw catch the threads already in the hole. If you start new threads several times in the same hole, any strength that the screw has in that hole will be removed due to the lack of material remaining.