What should you never do in the event of a fire?

What should you never do in the event of a fire?

You'll want to avoid opening doors if you're in a building where there is a fire unless there is no other exit. You should also never move objects that are on fire, as it may cause the flames to spread, and you should never go back inside of a burning building, even if you have good intentions.

Why is crawling under smoke safer than walking through it?

Why is crawling under smoke safer than walking through it? Smoke rises, leaving more smoke-free air to breathe closer to the ground.

Can you run through fire with a wet blanket?

Definitely do not do it if you are wearing some sort of polyblend or acrylic (along with a lot of others). If it is a natural blend such as cotton or wool, it is dense enough to absorb a bunch of heat before it reaches combustion. In an emergency a wet blanket has been recommended.

Do and don’ts during fire drill?

Remind staff and students of the sound and/or sight of fire alarms, the location of emergency routes, the assembly point, and any specific fire safety procedures. Test that fire safety measures work as intended.