What Romeo symbolizes?

What Romeo symbolizes?

Roses, the universal sign of love represents Romeo marvelously. He is love sickness personified.

What color symbolizes Romeo?

color orange

What is the symbol in Romeo and Juliet?

While poison has a literal purpose in the play, it’s also a symbol. The poison symbolizes the Capulet and Montague feud. Not only is the feud deadly in itself, — recall Mercutio’s death — it’s also the catalyst for Romeo and Juliet’s double suicide.

What does the Montagues coat of arms represent?

The crest is a fishing boat common to the estuaries and sea in eastern P.E.I. The theme of the compartment and supporters is to demonstrate that Montague’s history and prosperity has been formed by sea and land, so one supporter is a sea creature and the other a land creature.

What does the name Montague mean?

English (of Norman origin): habitational name from a place La Manche in France, so named from Old French mont ‘hill’ (see Mont 1) + agu ‘pointed’ (Latin acutus, from acus ‘needle’, ‘point’).

Who is the Montague family in Romeo and Juliet?

Montague: The head of the house of Montague, he is Romeo’s father and enemy of Capulet. Lady Montague: Romeo’s mother. Mercutio: Kinsman of Prince Escalus and friend of Romeo. Benvolio: Nephew of Montague and friend of Romeo.

What house is Romeo from?

House of Capulet

How old is Lord Montague?

around sixteen years

Why is Rosaline not interested in Romeo?

Whereas Romeo had told Benvolio that Rosaline had rejected him because she’d sworn to remain “chaste” forever, Friar Laurence suggests that Rosaline didn’t believe Romeo’s love to be authentic, saying “Oh, she knew well, / Thy love did read by rote that could not spell.” In other words, she knew Romeo was only acting …

Is Rosaline a Montague?

Actually, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Rosaline is a member of the Capulet family (as mentioned) and, in this case, is Capulet’s niece. This is an excellent question.

Is Rosaline Juliet’s cousin?

Role in the play. Before Romeo meets Juliet, he loves Rosaline, Capulet’s niece and Juliet’s cousin.

Did Rosaline break up with Romeo?

Romeo has loved Roseline, and she has broken up with him. Romeo is depressed at the beginning of the play because his love for Rosaline is not returned. Rosaline has sworn off all men. Of course, as you read, you realize that this is not real love because the moment he sees Juliet he forgets all about Rosaline.

Why is Romeo depressed?

Romeo is depressed at the beginning of the play because his love, Rosaline, doesn’t love him back. Benvolio says he should examine other beauties, because if Rosaline doesn’t love him back, why waste his time.

What does Romeo call Rosaline?

For example, Romeo spouts clichés about his love for Rosaline: “Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health” (1.1.

Why was Romeo killed?

Romeo kills Tybalt to avenge the death of Mercutio at the hand of Tybalt. Despite the fact that Romeo is complicit in Mercutio’s death, he blames Tybalt solely. Romeo, as true to his character, acts impulsively and without reflection in his murder of Tybalt.

Who proposes Juliet marry?

Friar Lawrence

What does Juliet see that frightens her?

As Romeo leave, Juliet has a feeling of doom, what does she see that frightens her? Juliet feels that the Nurse gave her bad advice and doesn’t understand how she really feels, so she will no longer confide in her nurse.

What age did Juliet Get Married?

Is Juliet too young to get married? In Act I, scene iii, we learn that Juliet will turn fourteen in a little more than two weeks, meaning that she’s thirteen during the events of the play. Legally, girls in Elizabethan England could marry as young as 12 with parental consent.

Who first proposes that Romeo and Juliet should marry?

Juliet’s nurse

How does Juliet propose to Romeo?

Then Juliet basically proposes to Romeo when she says “If that thy bent of love be honourable, / Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow.” Translation: “If you love me and want to marry me, let me know ASAP.” Romeo is game. They end up setting up a way to send messages the next day so they can plan the wedding.

Does Juliet want to marry Romeo?

The friar fears that Romeo may have slept in sin with Rosaline. Romeo assures him that did not happen, and describes his new love for Juliet, his intent to marry her, and his desire that the friar consent to marry them that very day. Romeo defends himself, noting that Juliet returns his love while Rosaline did not.

Does Juliet ask Romeo to marry her?

Quite simply, Juliet asks Romeo to send word to her tomorrow if he intends to marry her and, as a result, Juliet promises to do so. If he does want to marry her, she asks him to send word through the Friar that she will send (complete with date, time, and place).