
What part of speech is nuisance?

What part of speech is nuisance?


part of speech: noun
definition: a person or thing that is annoying. The barking dog was a nuisance to the neighbors. synonyms: annoyance, bother, hassle, headache, pest similar words: bore, inconvenience, plague, thorn, torment, trouble
related words: chore, disturbance, nag

What is the synonym and antonym of nuisance?

nuisance. Synonyms: offence, annoyance, plague, pest, trouble. Antonyms: gratification, blessing, pleasure, delight, benefit.

What is the synonym of adulterated?

In this page you can discover 56 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for adulterated, like: uncompact, diluted, mixed, contaminated, impure, alloyed, doctored, loaded, sophisticated, clean and adulterate.

What is a right vs privilege?

A right is something that cannot be legally denied, such as the rights to free speech, press, religion, and raising a family. A privilege is something that can be given and taken away and is considered to be a special advantage or opportunity that is available only to certain people.

What is the root word of privilege?

Privilege comes from Latin privilegium, meaning a law for just one person, and means a benefit enjoyed by an individual or group beyond what’s available to others. Someone wealthy come from privilege. Someone with a library card has borrowing privileges. Privilege can also be used as a verb.

What kind of word is privilege?

: a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : prerogative especially : such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office. privilege. verb. privileged; privileging.

What is privilege in your own words?

What Does it Mean? * Privilege comes from the Latin privilegium, meaning a law for just one person, a benefit enjoyed by an individual or group beyond what is available to others. *Any right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person or group beyond the advantages of most.

How do you remember to spell privilege?


  1. priviledge – 19.9%
  2. privledge – 6.88%
  3. previlage – 5.16%
  4. priveledge – 3.44%
  5. previlege – 2.95%
  6. privlage – 2.95%
  7. privelage – 2.95%
  8. privelege – 2.7%

How do you spell commonly misspelled words?

Documented list of common misspellings

  1. absence – absense, absentse, abcense, absance.
  2. acceptable – acceptible.
  3. accidentally/accidently – accidentaly.
  4. accommodate – accomodate, acommodate.
  5. achieve – acheive.
  6. acknowledge – acknowlege, aknowledge.
  7. acquaintance – acquaintence, aquaintance.
  8. acquire – aquire, adquire.