What not to do after getting your tongue pierced?

What not to do after getting your tongue pierced?

Avoid drinking through straws while your piercing is healing. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages for 3-4 days. They can break the seal that is forming at the piercing site. Eat only soft foods for the first week or as long as your tongue is swollen.

Has anyone died from a tongue piercing?

Doctors are warning that tongue piercings could lead to fatal infections, after a 22-year-old Israeli man died in hospital weeks after getting his tongue pierced. Although this is a rare case, oral physicians say there is always a risk of infection when surgery is performed in the mouth.

When can I give oral after tongue piercing?

You'll also have to be careful to prevent bacteria getting into the mouth which means no smoking, kissing, putting your hands in your mouth OR engage in oral sex. You should avoid this for as long as possible, with many websites advising against oral sex for at least 4-6 weeks.

Can I brush my tongue after piercing?

Also, plaque (a white, crusty shell) will begin to build up on your tongue jewelry if you do not gently brush the ends and post. You should brush your jewelry daily if you want to prevent plaque buildup. While your oral piercing is healing… As the swelling goes down, be careful not to bite down on your jewelry.

How long till I can kiss after tongue piercing?

Can you kiss after a tongue piercing? Avoid kissing for at least 3 weeks. Kissing is the second most likely source of infection risk, you need to be careful to prevent bacteria getting into the mouth. No smoking, kissing or engaging in oral sex.

Can tongue piercing paralyze you?

After a piercing, you may experience a numb tongue that is caused by nerve damage that is usually temporary, but can sometimes be permanent. The injured nerve may affect your sense of taste, or how you move your mouth. Damage to your tongue's blood vessels can cause serious blood loss.

What helps the pain of a tongue piercing?

You can do a salt rinse to help minimize any pain and swelling. Ready-made rinses may be available for purchase from your piercer, or you can make your own at home. Use it several times per day at first to encourage the healing process.

How bad does it hurt to get your tongue pierced?

How much does the tongue piercing hurt? The tongue may seem like it would be sensitive, but most report relatively low piercing pain. With an experienced piercer, you will feel a pinch, but they'll conduct the procedure quickly, so it will be fast. The real pain comes in the days immediately afterward.

How fast does the tongue heal?

You can expect a small laceration on the tongue, lips, or inside of the mouth to heal in three to four days. A more severe laceration that required stitching or reattachment may take several weeks to a few months to heal. Infections of the mouth are rare, but can occur.

Is saltwater good for tongue piercing?

At least 4-6 times each day, rinse with Listerine antiseptic or sea salt solution for 30-60 seconds. A sea salt rinse is 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved into 8 oz of warm water. Continue to rinse for 6-8 weeks. Gently brush your tongue in the morning and at night after brushing your teeth.

How do I get rid of the white ring around my tongue piercing?

If the tongue piercing is removed for even one night, it will partially close up as it is a muscle, which is very unlike ear piercings. It should close up, but just like trachs, some close and some don't. If it doesn't close after about a year it should be evaluated for a surgical closure if it is causing problems.