What metal Burns pink?

What metal Burns pink?


What makes a blue flame?

A Blue Flame Indicates Complete Burning of Carbon Propane gas, like firewood, contains carbon compounds. However, it often produces a blue flame instead of an orange or yellow flame because it burns all the carbon. Therefore, the flame appears bright blue.

Is Blue fire real?

It may look like a scene from another planet or some high-tech Hollywood special effects – but this volcano venting bright blue flames is a real, rarely-seen phenomenon of nature. The glowing, electric-blue flames are caused by combustion of sulfuric gases.

Is a blue flame hotter?

The color blue indicates a temperature even hotter than white. Blue flames have more oxygen and get hotter because gases burn hotter than organic materials, such as wood. When natural gas is ignited in a stove burner, the gases quickly burn at a very high temperature, yielding mainly blue flames.

Does Azula have a child?

After her great achievements, Azula settled down and got married to a quite old nobleman named Yin Lee. She gave birth to two children, Chen and Mitsuki.

What is Azula’s mental illness?

After her defeat, it is revealed in the graphic novel The Promise that she was admitted into a mental institution in the Fire Nation due to her deranged mental state, possibly suffering from schizophrenia. Both in the series and the comics, she is shown to be disturbed by frequent hallucinations of her mother.

Is Azula dead?

During their skirmish, Azula nearly fell to her death after slipping from the airship, but was able to stop her descent by using her hairpin as an anchor in the cliff wall. Despite having failed to eliminate both Zuko and Aang, she smiled as the Avatar and his friends escaped the temple.

Is Azula still alive in Korra?

Originally Answered: Is Azula still alive in the Legend of Korra? No idea. She could be as she’s younger than Zuko, and he was still around.

Is Azula dead in Korra?

Azula doesn’t appear in Legend of Korra at all. Azula’s death is never shown or mentioned. At the end of Avatar, her last scene is defeated sobbing at the feet of Zuko and Katara.

Did Azula kill Suki?

Suki was the leader of one Kyoshi Warrior team of the Earth Kingdom’s Kyoshi Island. During their journey, she protected the Avatar’s lost sky bison, Appa, from falling into the enemy’s hands, but she and the other Kyoshi Warriors were defeated by Princess Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee.

Why did Sokka die?

So, Sokka died sometime between 158 and 170 AG, and the cause of death is believed to be natural, as he would’ve been between 74-86 years old. The lack of concrete information on Sokka’s death is the direct result of his limited role in The Legend of Korra.

Does Zuko die?

Zuko and Katara are the only characters from the original series confirmed to be alive as of Korra’s time.

Is Zuko dead in Korra?

Zuko is alive at the time of ‘The Legend of Korra. ‘ He’s a wise and old master, riding a dragon mount. Although Zuko is not seen much, as ‘The Legend of Korra’ deals with a new generation of characters, we learn that he remained lifelong friends with Aang, Sokka, and Katara.

Did Zuko marry Mei?

But Mei didn’t marry Zuko.

Can Zuko bend lightning?

It’s also one of the rarest techniques, with only Ozai, Iroh, and Azula able to generate lightning on their own. Even Aang, the avatar, and Zuko could only redirect lightning. On a casual observation, yes, lightning bending is more common.

Can the avatar Bloodbend?

Bloodbending is a rare ability in both Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, so only a handful of characters are able to do it – and there’s only another handful of characters who can resist it as well.

Can Aang beat Naruto?

1 Verdict: Naruto Sorry all you Avatar: The Last Airbender fans, but Naruto wins this fight. While Aang is very strong as the Avatar, more so than some Naruto loyalists would like to admit, he doesn’t display enough potential over the course of his show to match up against Naruto’s feats.

Which bending is most powerful?

Blood Bending

What is the weakest bending element?


Which bending is the weakest?

Air bending

Who is the weakest avatar?

  • Wan.
  • His Avatar state is the weakest since Korra’s Avatar state reset but even Korra is stronger than him.
  • Because this statement from the wiki.
  • Which shows that Wan is technically the weakest since he has no skills or abilities to call upon.
  • Not to mention bending probably wasn’t as its peak at that time.

Who is Mako dating?

Asami Sato

Were there any bad avatars?

Overall, the Avatars that we all know and love (Wan, Kyoshi, Roku, Aang, Korra, etc) cannot be evil because the spirit that they are all attached to is basically the embodiment of good. So as far as evil Avatars go, there has only been one, who is often referred to as “UnaVaatu” when he is in his most powerful from.

Is Korra more powerful than Aang?

In some ways, Aang and Korra are complements of the other, and what one excelled at the other struggled with. However, when you compare their ages, skill sets, and the villains they faced during their seasons, Korra comes across as stronger and more powerful than Aang.