What mental illness does Bellatrix Lestrange have?

What mental illness does Bellatrix Lestrange have?

Actress Helena Bonham Carter stated that Bellatrix suffers from a sadistic personality disorder. However SPD is no longer recognised as a valid mental disorder by the DSM so were she a real person (and alive) it is more likely that Bellatrix would be diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder.

Was Bellatrix beautiful?

Bellatrix was once very beautiful and very elegant. After all, she had everything at her fingertips growing up. Her family was very rich and very proper. However, after spending time in Azkaban, Bellatrix became dishevelled and grotesque.

What was Bellatrix obsessed with?

Bellatrix Lestrange has always been a Harry Potter fan fascination, from her romantic obsession with the Dark Lord to her complicated family history. She’s a terrifying, powerful, and unhinged villain. Bellatrix was Voldemort’s right hand woman and most dedicated follower.

What spell did Bellatrix use on Ginny?

In the second part of the film adaptation of Deathly Hallows, this duel has some noticeable differences: In the film, Bellatrix casts a blue spell at Ginny Weasley instead of a Killing Curse, who deflects it using a Shield Charm.

What spell kills Bellatrix?

Avada Kedavra the killing curse. ‘ Molly used Petrificus Totalus, the body binder spell, hence the fact Bellatrix was frozen, then she used a strong exploding spell, probably Reducto or Diffindo, whch destroyed Bellatrix.

What spell did Harry kill Voldemort with?

Avada Kedavra

Why did Lucius try to kill Harry?

“Enraged at losing his servant, Lucius planned to kill Dobby to tear away Dobby’s newfound freedom as well as revenge/punishment to make Harry feel guilty for being the one ‘responsible’ for Dobby’s death.”

Did Dumbledore know Lucius was a Death Eater?

Dumbledore always knew Lucius was a Death Eater. He never really believed his claim about being Imperiused. It’s possible that these measures were, in fact, taken at some point before Harry started school.

Why did Lucius wand fail Voldemort?

The wand was taken from him by Lord Voldemort in 1997 since the Dark Lord wanted to prevent Priori Incantatem from occurring between his own wand and Harry Potter’s wand. Lucius reluctantly surrendered his wand after some prompting from his wife, identifying it’s wand wood and core for Voldemort’s benefit.

Why did Hermione broke Harry’s wand?

Harry’s Holly w/Phoenix together core was accidentally snapped in two when Harry & Hermione went to see Bathilda Bagshot in Godric’s Hollow. Hermione was trying to cast an unknown spell and it missed its intended mark and rebounded which caused his wand to snap.

What wand did Harry use after his broke?

the Elder Wand

What was Draco Malfoy’s Boggart?

Lord Voldemort

Whose wand does Ron give Harry?

Blackthorn wand

Where did Harry disarm Draco?

Malfoy Manor

Did Harry’s wand break?

Harry’s wand was broken in 1997, but was repaired by him after the 1998 Battle of Hogwarts. Usually the repair of a wand is impossible, but with the use of the Elder Wand it was achievable. It can be assumed that Harry continued to use his wand after this, as he was incredibly fond of it.

How many wands did Harry Potter use?

four wands