What means unyielding?

What means unyielding?

1 : characterized by firmness or obduracy. 2 : characterized by lack of softness or flexibility.

What is unyielding personality?

When things are unyielding, they won’t stop, won’t give, or won’t bend. That includes stubborn, unyielding personalities and stiff, unyielding mattresses. You know people who never change their minds, even when they’re wrong? You could say they’re unyielding.

What is the meaning of unyielding supports?

unyielding – resistant to physical force or pressure; “an unyielding head support” hard – resisting weight or pressure. Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.

What is another word for unyielding?

What is another word for unyielding?

inflexible rigid
unwavering dogged
implacable intransigent
obdurate inexorable
pertinacious stiff

What is another word for relentless?

What is another word for relentless?

continuous unrelenting
continuing lasting
persistent unstoppable
endless incessant
interminable steady

What’s another word for stubborn?


  • adamant,
  • adamantine,
  • bullheaded,
  • dogged,
  • hard,
  • hard-nosed,
  • hardened,
  • hardheaded,

How do you say stubborn in a nice way?


  1. determined.
  2. firm.
  3. fixed.
  4. hanging tough.
  5. hard-nosed.
  6. immovable.
  7. inexorable.
  8. inflexible.

Is stubborn positive or negative?

Stubborn is definitely more negative. Stubborn is also used to describe a personality type, which is what Priscilla’s first example is saying. You could describe someone as being stubborn, but you would not say ‘She is an adamant person’.

Is Stubborn a good trait?

Stubborn people are committed to problem solving a situation or else it will bug them for the rest of their life. And that’s a helpful trait in business. Plus stubborn people are unwilling to settle for less. They fight the good fight to get the best results -and that helps them to achieve the best results.

Can stubborn be positive?

Stubborn people can be pretty inspirational. This is not commonly acknowledged, but many who are a bit stubborn demonstrate determination, problem-solving, optimism and perseverance.

Which personality type is the most stubborn?

INTJ. INTJs can often be perceived as stubborn, since they do not bend very easily. The only reason INTJs are hard to convince of something, is because they have often spent a long time forming their information.

What are the traits of a stubborn person?

5 Signs You Are a Stubborn Person

  • You fear new situations. Stubborn people are afraid of change.
  • You argue about everything. Stubborn people have trouble admitting when they are wrong.
  • You never change your mind.
  • You resort to ad hominem attacks.
  • You avoid information that contradicts your beliefs.

What causes a man to be stubborn?

Stubborn people are rigidly attached to their beliefs, opinions, ideas, and tastes. They become stubborn to the point that they don’t even consider the opinion of others because they feel threatened by people who disagree with them. So, in a way, this is also a type of pain-avoidance.

How do you change stubborn behavior?

Listen and respect others, but still stand up for yourself. Learn to recognize that sometimes, you might have hurt someone’s feelings by shutting them down with your stubborn behaviors. Consider society, your friends and family instead of just yourself. Stubbornness may be a byproduct of being selfish.

What animals are stubborn?

Donkeys and mules both have reputations as animals with, um, mulish personalities. They’re widely seen as stubborn. Willful. Obstinate, even.

What animal is not scared of anything?

honey badger

What is the toughest animal?


What is the easiest animal to kill?


What is the toughest sport?

Degree of Difficulty: Sport Rankings
Boxing 8.63 1
Ice Hockey 7.25 2
Football 5.38 3

What GPA do you need to play Division 1 sports?

2.3 GPA

What is the hardest sport mentally?

5 Most Mentally Challenging Sports

  • Baseball. Baseball also has a lot of downtime – waiting to go to bat and waiting for the next batter, pitchers who are waiting to take the mound have a tremendous amount of pressure and too much time to think.
  • Golf.
  • Tennis.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Swimming.
  • 39 thoughts on “5 Most Mentally Challenging Sports”

Which sport takes the most skill?


Which sport is most physically demanding?

Ranking List

Ranking Sport
1 Boxing
2 Ice Hockey
3 American Football
4 Basketball

Which sport has the smartest athletes?

Here is a list of some of the smartest athletes out there, from the NFL to Ultimate Frisbee.

  • Marion Bartoli, Tennis.
  • and 3.
  • Joe Ogilvie, Golf.
  • Craig Breslow, Baseball.
  • Sarah Hughes, Figure Skating.
  • Shannon Miller, Gymnastics.
  • Sócrates, Soccer.
  • Shane Battier, Basketball.