What Ma Am means?

What Ma Am means?


Is calling someone Madam rude?

According to dictionary.reference.com, ”ma’am” is simply short for madam, a polite term of address to a woman, originally used only to a woman of rank or authority. It’s just plain old dumb to be offended by a word that is meant to be nothing more than a polite gesture or a term of respect.

Can you say yes sir to a woman?

It’s perfectly acceptable to address a superior female officer as Sir. “Sir, yes sir!” “Whatever biotch.”

How do you call a woman respect?

Formal Titles in English

  1. Sir (adult male of any age)
  2. Ma’am (adult female – North American)
  3. Madam (adult female)
  4. Mr + last name (any man)
  5. Mrs + last name (married woman who uses her husband’s last name)
  6. Ms + last name (married or unmarried woman; common in business)
  7. Miss + last name (unmarried woman)

Is Yes ma’am polite?

What does yes ma’am mean? Yes ma’am is a polite way of affirming something an older or superior woman has said, often used to show sass or excitement in response to something more generally.

What is Sir for woman?

Madam (short form: ma’am) is the everyday equivalent of “sir.” “Marm” is the British “eye dialect” (respelling for special effect) to mimic the British pronunciation of ma’am especially when used for addressing a woman of higher social station.

What is the female version of Sir?

Sir: A title of honour for a knight that originates from the Old French word “sieur”. Dame or Lady: The female equivalent of the title “sir” that can be used by a woman in her own right.

What’s a female captain called?


What did Pirates do to female prisoners?

women prisoners were their for the pirates’ pleasure. They would rape and humiliate them, so you were not in good luck if you were a woman prisoner.

How do pirates die?

Death could be a consequence of exploding gunpowder, flying splinters, falling masts and tackle, or overturning guns. While ship-to-ship and hand-to-hand combat might kill a pirate, so could just the act of boarding the prey when the two ships were grappled together.

What do pirates do for fun?

Play Board Games As a result, pirates made up and modified a wide array of various board games to amuse themselves, playing with all kinds of complex rules and interesting ideas. Many of these games were gambling, played for profit, but many were also just done for fun.

What is the lowest position on a ship?

Ordinary seaman

What is a deckhand?

Deckhands operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. The deckhands together make up the deck crew and are responsible for maintaining the ship — other than the engine and other systems that are the responsibility of onboard engineers.

Who runs a ship?

A skipper is a person who has command of a boat or watercraft or tug, more or less equivalent to “captain in charge aboard ship.” At sea, or upon lakes and rivers, the skipper as shipmaster or captain has command over the whole crew.

What is the highest rank in Seaman?

The Different Ranks of Seafarers

  • Master.
  • Chief Mate (also called Chief Officer)
  • Second Mate (also called Second Officer)
  • Third Mate (also called Third Officer)
  • Deck Cadet.
  • Chief Engineer.
  • Second Engineer.
  • Third Engineer.

What’s higher than an Admiral?

In the navy, you can’t get a higher rank than admiral. The admiralty ranks occupy pay grades from O7 to O11. At O7, is the bottom of the admiralty, which starts with the one-star rear admiral, followed by the two-star rear admiral. The O9 vice admiral, or the three-star admiral, outranks them both.

Can a ship have two captains?

Renee’s Rule: You can’t have two captains on the same ship.

What is a mate on a ship?

A mate is a deck naval officer aboard a merchant vessel, such as the chief mate (first mate), second mate, or third mate. Between 1800 and 1890 “mate” was also the naval rank now known as sub-lieutenant—master. One of the mates is always the watch keeping officer, unless the master takes that responsibility.

What is a caulker’s mate?

“Cockpit mate” was a colloquial term for petty officers who were considered gentlemen and officers under instruction and messed and berthed apart from the ordinary sailors in the cockpit. Petty officers were seamen who had been “rated” to fill a particular specialist trade on board ship.

Who is a seafarer?

Seafarers are, inter alia, persons who have been employed by a shipowner to do ship service on board a ship at sea, i.e. work performed by persons taking part in the ship’s operation and maintenance as well as the provisioning of those on board.

What is a bosun vs first mate?

The Below Deck series has mainly featured a bosun who is in charge of the deck team. “The biggest difference between the bosun and the first mate is the first mate is obviously higher up in the hierarchy,” Berry told Showbiz Cheat Sheet. “And [the first mate] generally has twice as much experience as the bosun.

Is Bosun higher than lead deckhand?

The chef usually outranks the chief stew and bosun While bosun seems to be a high command position, it has two ranks above it. In a larger yacht, the bosun reports to the second officer. The bosun can also be considered to be the lead deckhand. Below Deck has featured lead deckhands in this leadership position.