What language is Sawadee ka?

What language is Sawadee ka?


What does Na Ka mean?

It is a politeness particle. It can mean “please” or “ “thank you” but the exact meaning goes from the situation(context). You can be sure someone is very polite when using “na ka”. Anyway, “na ka” Is more polite than “ka” alone. Rest assured someone saying “na ka” to you is being very polite.

What does Na Krab mean in Thai?

นะ or นะครับ or นะคะ is used when you want to ask or persuade someone to do something, telling someone that you will do something or when you say thank, sorry, excuse, congratulate.

What does JA mean in Thailand?


Is vitamin K a potassium?

Unlike vitamin K, potassium is not a vitamin. Rather, it’s a mineral. On the periodic table, the chemical symbol for potassium is the letter K. Thus, people sometimes confuse potassium with vitamin K.

What foods give you potassium?

Many fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium:

  • Bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricots, grapefruit (some dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, and dates, are also high in potassium)
  • Cooked spinach.
  • Cooked broccoli.
  • Potatoes.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Peas.
  • Cucumbers.

What is vit K good for?

Vitamin K is a group of vitamins that the body needs for blood clotting, helping wounds to heal. There’s also some evidence vitamin K may help keep bones healthy.

What diseases are caused by lack of vitamin K?

Vitamin K refers to a group of fat-soluble compounds. There are several vitamin K-dependent proteins involved in coagulation, bone development, and cardiovascular health. Vitamin K deficiency can contribute to significant bleeding, poor bone development, osteoporosis, and increased cardiovascular disease.

Can you eat bananas while taking warfarin?

So, go bananas! But be sure to eat green bananas in normal portions and make sure you keep testing your regular blood test to make sure your INR doesn’t drop below your target range.

Do you need vitamin K with vitamin D?

We ALWAYS recommend taking vitamin D with vitamin K2 if you are supplementing. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin Vitamin D increases calcium levels in the body. Vitamin K helps the body use calcium by shuttling it to your bones.