
What is word choice in writing called?

What is word choice in writing called?

Diction is word choice. When writing, use vocabulary suited for the type of assignment. Words that have almost the same denotation (dictionary meaning) can have very different connotations (implied meanings).

Is the term that refers to word choice?

Diction. This term refers to the word choice of an author.

What does Grammarly mean by word choice?

Grammarly ensures your writing is readable, clear, and concise by not only flagging overused words and phrases, but offering suggestions for stronger, more precise language. Grammarly also helps you rewrite entire sentences—so your point always comes across as intended.

What is called diction?

In rhetoric and composition, diction is the choice and use of words in speech or writing. Also called word choice. In phonology and phonetics, diction is a way of speaking, usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of pronunciation and elocution. Also called enunciation and articulation.

What are the types of word choice?

There are eight common types of diction:

  • Formal diction. Formal diction is the use of sophisticated language, without slang or colloquialisms.
  • Informal diction.
  • Pedantic diction.
  • Colloquial diction.
  • Slang diction.
  • Abstract diction.
  • Concrete diction.
  • Poetic diction.

What are some examples of word choice?


as fresh as a daisy as slow as molasses as white as snow
old as dirt our neck of the woods plain as the nose on your face
raking in the dough sick as a dog stick in the mud
stubborn as a mule sweet as apple pie thorn in my side
two peas in a pod under the weather walks on water

What are diction choices?

Diction is word choice, or the style of speaking that a writer, speaker, or character uses. The diction that you use when you speak or write should be matched to purpose or audience. In formal writing-essays, speeches-diction should be formal.

What are language choices in literature?

Diction refers to the linguistic choices a writer makes to effectively convey an idea, a point of view, or tell a story. In literature, the words used by an author can help establish a distinct voice and style.

What is a writer’s choice of words called?

A writer or speaker’s choice of words is a literary device called diction.

What is another word for ” word choice “?

word choice. Noun. The style in which words and phrases are used in writing or speech. phrasing. diction. language. phraseology. wording. verbiage.

What’s the importance of word choice in writing?

1 Meaning. Words can be chosen for one of two meanings: the denotative meaning or the connotative meaning. 2 Specificity. Use words that are both correct in meaning and specific in description. 3 Audience. Good word choice takes the reader into consideration. 4 Style. Consider your word choice to be the fingerprint of your writing.

Which is the best strategy for word choice?

Strategies for successful word choice Be careful when using words you are unfamiliar with. Be careful when using the thesaurus. Don’t try to impress your reader or sound unduly authoritative. Before you revise for accurate and strong adjectives, make sure you are first using accurate and strong nouns and verbs.