What is Widowmakers real name?

What is Widowmakers real name?

Widowmaker's fictional biography details her real name: Amélie Lacroix, age: 33, and base of operations: Annecy, France.

How old is D va?

Overwatch. In Overwatch lore, D.Va is Hana Song, a 19-year old former professional gamer going by her gamertag "D.Va". D.Va was known for becoming the No. 1 ranked StarCraft II player in the world at age 16, and maintaining an undefeated record prior to her retirement from gaming in order to defend her homeland.

How old is Mei?

The Overwatch Wiki lists McCree's official height at 6′1″ (approx. 185cm). Again, I don't know where that came from, but looking at McCree it seems about right. I'm guessing any height between 6′ and 6′3″ is a pretty accurate estimate for him; so between 71″ and 75″ (180cm to 190.5cm).

Who is the youngest overwatch hero?

The former Overwatch agent known as Tracer is a time-jumping adventurer and an irrepressible force for good. Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer") was the youngest person ever inducted into Overwatch's experimental flight program.

Is tracer from overwatch a boy?

Outside the game, Blizzard's fictional biography for Tracer lists her real name as Lena Oxton, her age as 26, and her base of operations as London, England. Tracer is an adventurer and former agent of the international task force, Overwatch.

How old is Hanzo?

Genji (Overwatch) … Within the Overwatch game, Genji was classified as an offense character with a hard difficulty rating. He is an advanced cyborg ninja, who uses his shuriken to attack, as well as his katana to deflect incoming projectiles, to swiftly strike through enemies, and to summon his Dragonblade ultimate.

Who is best overwatch character?

Dragonblade (Ultimate): Genji's Ultimate ability. … While Genji gains extremely high melee damage (beating even Reinhardt), he loses the ability to attack at range for the duration.

Is Winston a monkey?

Being a gorilla, which has no tail, Winston is an ape. Apes are monkeys if you go by cladistics. He's not a monkey; he's a scientist. … Per playoverwatch.com Winston is “A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, Winston is a brilliant scientist and a champion for humanity's potential.

How old is 76 overwatch?

Luckily for us, Reinhardt was discharged from overwatch at the age of 55, giving us a rough guide line as to how old soldier is. So, I came down to the conclusion that soldier, at oldest, be 60 years old, because he would have to be at LEAST a year younger than Reinhardt to stay in Overwatch.

How tall is TORB?

To little surprise, Torbjörn holds the title as the shortest character in Overwatch at 4'7".