What is violent language?

What is violent language?

Violent communication is often the result of using manipulative or coercive language that induces fear, guilt, shame, praise, blame, duty, obligation, punishment, and/or reward. Violent communication happens in speaking and listening (and in thinking, through self-talk or imagined conversations).

What is peace communication?

Peace communication is defined as a commu- nication process aimed at achieving peace with a distinct suasory characteristic feature, operating within a context composed of cultural warrants that form the bases for justification of actions.

Why is nonviolent communication called giraffe language?

The term Giraffe Language (a.k.a. nonviolent communication) was coined by Dr. … Because giraffes have the largest hearts of all land animals (up to 40 lbs!). Jackals, due to their low proximity to the ground, tend to see just what's under their noses.

What is non violent conflict resolution?

Non-violent method of resolving any conflict achieves the best result and is the best way of resolving conflict. CONFLICT. Conflict is a state of opposition, disagreement or incompatibility between two or more people or groups of people, which is sometimes characterized by physical violence.

What is giraffe language?

The term Giraffe Language (a.k.a. nonviolent communication) was coined by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, founder of the international nonprofit Center for Nonviolent Communication, and by his own definition, it is the language of the heart. … Jackal language symbolizes short-sighted, self-protecting, limited communication.