What is vegan meringue made of?

What is vegan meringue made of?

These are basically the ingredients you'll need to make this aquafaba meringue recipe — a can of chickpeas, cream of tartar, sugar, and some clear vanilla.

Why did my vegan meringues collapse?

A lot of misses seem to be from not whipping long enough to get stiff peaks, or drying out long enough, or too high oven temps. If you have really, really stiff peaks, the meringues will hold their shape and they will not budge or collapse during the oven drying, so it's worth it to slow down and whip well.

What can I use instead of meringue?

Whipped cream makes a light, fluffy substitute for meringue, but it quickly loses its volume and becomes watery unless stabilized with gelatin. Soften a bit of unflavored gelatin in warm water. Stir in some warm cream to temper the gelatin and keep it from clumping. Whip heavy cream until soft peaks form.

How long can you keep Aquafaba meringue?

If you need to make more meringues, you can double or triple the ingredients. Keep the remaining chickpea water and chickpeas covered in the fridge for up to 3 days to use in other recipes.