What is usually the first sign of HIV?

What is usually the first sign of HIV?

Symptom 1: Fever The fever, usually one of the first symptoms of HIV, is often accompanied by other mild symptoms, such as fatigue, swollen lymph glands, and a sore throat. At this point the virus is moving into the blood stream and starting to replicate in large numbers.

How long does HIV take to show signs?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , primary HIV symptoms may show up two to four weeks after initial exposure. Symptoms can continue for up to several weeks. However, some people may exhibit the symptoms only for a few days.

Can you have HIV without symptoms?

Although the virus can cause symptoms, they're not a reliable way to tell if you're infected. In fact, some people won't have any symptoms at all. So even if you don't have any of the typical signs of an infection, you should always get tested if you think you are at risk.

How does HIV make you feel?

The first 2-4 weeks after being infected with HIV, you may feel feverish, achy, and sick. These flu-like symptoms are your body's first reaction to the HIV infection. During this time, there's a lot of the virus in your system, so it's really easy to spread HIV to other people.