What is the word for not understandable?

What is the word for not understandable?

Yep, incomprehensible is the best word, it means 'not understandable' but is more concise and less awkward.

What is the opposite of interpretation?

Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand, mistake, misconceive, falsify, distort, misdeclare, misrepresent. Synonyms: translate, render, construe, explain, expound, expone, represent, declare, understand, elucidate, decipher, solve.

What is the opposite of the kind?

disagreeable, harsh, discourteous, hateful, ungenerous, cruel, cold, merciless, antagonistic, bad, hard, uncaring, rough, indifferent, unfriendly, cool, aloof, uncompassionate, mean, unsympathetic, bitter, Disliking, rude, unkind, thoughtless, violent, inattentive, unsociable, inhumane, nasty, unmindful, inconsiderate,