What is the word for every 10 years?

What is the word for every 10 years?

Decade. A decade is a period of 10 years. The word is derived (via French and Latin) from the Ancient Greek: δεκάς, romanized: dekas, which means a group of ten. Decades may describe any ten-year period, such as those of a person's life, or refer to specific groupings of calendar years.

What does * * * * * mean in cron?

Asterisks indicate that the cron expression matches for all values of the field. For example, "*" in the minute field means every minute. It is used instead of the asterisk (*) for leaving either day-of-month or day-of-week blank.

How do you write a cron expression?

A CRON expression takes the following format (years are optional): <seconds> <minutes> <hours> <days of month> <months> <days of week> <years> The string represents a set of times, which are the times that match the CRON expression.

What is Cron expression in Uipath?

Summary: Activities to get next run time(s) for a cron expression, or all run times in a given time range. Uses 3rd party library Quartz.net. Activities in this package: Get next run time – Simple activity to get the next run time for a cron expression.