What is the value of sin 45 degree cos 45 degree?

What is the value of sin 45 degree cos 45 degree?

From equation (5), it is clear that sin45+cos45 is equal to √2.

Does sin a cos B?

Since the sum of the angles in a triangle equals 180°, and angle C is 90°, that means angles A and B add up to 90°, that is, they are complementary angles. Therefore the cosine of B equals the sine of A. We saw on the last page that sin A was the opposite side over the hypotenuse, that is, a/c. Hence, cos B equals a/c.

What is the formula of 2 cos a sin B?

2 cosA sinB = sin(A + B) − sin(A − B) 2 cosA cosB = cos(A + B) + cos(A − B) 2 sinA sinB = cos(A − B) − cos(A + B)

What does sin B mean?

Sin(A + B) is the two parts of the opposite – all divided by the hypotenuse (9). Putting that into its trig form: sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B.

Is sin a B )= sin a sin B?

Answer Expert Verified Therefore Sin(A+B) = SinA+SinB when either A is 0° or B is 0°.

Is it ever possible that sin a B )= sin a sin B?

For certain angles, yes.

What is the formula of sin a sin B cos a cos B?

2sinA sinB = cos(A – B) – cos(A + B) Now, the following formulae transform the product of the trigonometric ratios of the angles into the sum or the difference of the trigonometric ratios of the compound angles: 2 sinA cosB = sin(A + B) – sin(A – B) 2 cosA sinB = sin(A + B) – sin(A – B)

How do you convert COS to sin?

Therefore, if one angle is 90 degrees we can figure out Sin Theta = Cos (90 – Theta) and Cos Theta = Sin (90 – Theta).

What is the formula for cos Alpha Beta?

Formulas for cos(α – β) h = cosα / sinβ. x = h cos(α – β). x = (sinα + h cosβ) cosα. cos(α – β) = cosα cos β + sin α sin β.

How do you know if a function is odd or even?

You may be asked to “determine algebraically” whether a function is even or odd. To do this, you take the function and plug –x in for x, and then simplify. If you end up with the exact same function that you started with (that is, if f (–x) = f (x), so all of the signs are the same), then the function is even.

Can an odd function have a constant?

Yes. The constant function f(x)=0 satisfies both conditions. Hint f is even and odd ⟺f(x)=f(−x)=−f(x)⇒2f(x)=0. This is true if f=0, but may also have other solutions, e.g. f=n in Z/2n= integers mod 2n, where −n≡n.

How do you tell if a graph is linear or nonlinear?

Distinguishing Between Linear and Nonlinear Functions. If you graph a linear function you will get a straight line. There are also nonlinear functions. If you graph the coordinates of a nonlinear function you will not get a straight line.