What is the value of sin 240 degree?

What is the value of sin 240 degree?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians sin(θ)
180° π 0
210° 7π/6 -1/2
225° 5π/4 -√2/2
240° 4π/3 -√3/2

What is the value of sin?

What is the value of sin pi? In trigonometry, we use pi (π) for 180 degrees to represent the angle in radians. Hence, sin π is equal to sin 180 or sin π = 0.

What is the reference angle for a 240 angle?


What is the reference angle for a 120 angle?

What is a 240 degree angle called?

Degree. As per the definition of reflex angle, any degree which lies between straight angle (180°) and full rotation (360°) is a reflex angle. Hence, 181°, 190°, 200°, 210°, 220°, 230°, 240°, 250°, 260°, 270°, 280°, 290°, 300°, 310°, 320°, 330°, 340°, 350°, 359°, are all reflex angles.

What is the reference angle for a 300 angle?

60 degrees

What is the Coterminal angle of 20?

Coterminal angle of 20°: 380°, 740°, -340°, -700° Coterminal angle of 25°: 385°, 745°, -335°, -695° Coterminal angle of 30° (π / 6): 390°, 750°, -330°, -690°

What is the reference angle for 135?

45° angle

What is the reference angle for a degree angle?

What is Meant by the Reference Angle? In mathematics, the reference angle is defined as the acute angle and it is measuring less than 90 degrees. It is always the smallest angle, and it makes the terminal side of an angle with the x-axis.

What is the reference angle?

Reference Angle: the acute angle between the terminal arm/terminal side and the x-axis. In other words, the reference angle is an angle being sandwiched by the terminal side and the x-axis. It must be less than 90 degree, and always positive.

What is the reference angle for 7pi 6?


How do you find the principal angle?

Given that all trigonometric ratios are each positive and negative in two quadrants, each ratio will result in two possible principal angles. Sine When the ratio of sin θ is positive, the principal angle is located in either quadrant or The principal angle is either: θ1 = θ or θ2 = 180° – β, when 0° < θ < 180°.

What is the Coterminal angle?

Coterminal angles: are angles in standard position (angles with the initial side on the positive x-axis) that have a common terminal side. For example, the angles 30°, –330° and 390° are all coterminal (see figure 2.1 below).

What is the principal angle of degrees?

The principal angle is the first positive angle less than 360°. The terminal arm of an angle defines an infinite number of coterminal angles. These can be positive or negative and are defined in terms of the principal angle.

What is the standard position of an angle?

Angles can exist anywhere in the coordinate plane where two rays share a common vertex. If this vertex is at the origin of the plane and the initial side lies along the positive $x$-axis, then the angle is said to be in standard position. Some angles in standard position are shown below.

What is a positive angle?

An angle generated by anti-clockwise rotation is a positive angle. When this side is rotated by an angle θ in counter clockwise direction then angle is generated is called positive angle.

What is the vertex of standard angle?

The vertex of an angle is the common endpoint of two rays that form the angle.

Where does the vertex of an angle lies?

The vertex of an angle is the point where two rays begin or meet, where two line segments join or meet, where two lines intersect (cross), or any appropriate combination of rays, segments and lines that result in two straight “sides” meeting at one place.

What angle means?

In geometry, an angle can be defined as the figure formed by two rays meeting at a common end point. An angle is represented by the symbol ∠. Angles are measured in degrees, using a protractor.

What is a zero angle?

A zero angle (0°) is an angle formed when both the angle’s arms are at the same position. Illustration: ∠ RPQ = 0° (zero angle) Acute Angle. An acute angle is an angle that is more than 0° but less than 90°.

What is smaller than a right angle?

Acute angles measure less than 90 degrees. Right angles measure 90 degrees. Obtuse angles measure more than 90 degrees.