What is the synonym of Lend?

What is the synonym of Lend?

advance, loan. Words Related to lend. furnish, give, grant. lease, let [chiefly British], rent.

Can you borrow me or lend me?

It is correct to say, "I lent him some money," but not "I loaned him some money." The money that is lent is called a loan. "May I borrow your ax?" is proper, whereas "Can you borrow me your ax?" is, as you point out, region-specific and, while incorrect, is appropriate informally.

Can I vs May I?

But the 'permission' use of can is not in fact incorrect in standard English. The only difference between the two verbs is that one is more polite than the other. In informal contexts it's perfectly acceptable to use can; in formal situations it would be better to use may.

How do you use lend?

The confusion between these two words is whether or not loan can be used as a verb. In strict usage, loan is the noun, and lend is the verb. In other words, I apply for a loan from a bank. The bank then lends me the money.

Can u lend me some money?

The most natural way to ask this question is "Could you lend me some money?" You aren't asking a question, you are making a request, therefore some is the word to be used. Similarly, when you offer someone something, you don't use any but some, for example: "Would you like some money?"

What is the past tense of borrow?

The word 'borrow' is a regular verb. To create the past tense, you should add -ED to the base verb. Therefore, the past simple tense of 'borrow' is 'borrowed'.

What is the past tense of lend?

The verb lend is traditionally inflected lent in the past tense and as a past participle. Lended appears from time to time, but nowhere in the English-speaking world is it common.

What does lended mean?

1 : to give for temporary use on condition that the same or its equivalent be returned. 2 : to let out (money) for temporary use on condition of repayment with interest. intransitive verb. : to make a loan. Other Words from lend.

What’s the difference between can and could?

'Can', on the other hand, assumes that the person is willing to do it, which is not always the case. To summarize, 'can' is the present tense version of the word and 'could' is the past tense version of the word. … When asking someone to do something, either word can be used, but 'could' is considered to be more polite.

What does it mean to borrow money?

Money one has received from another party with the agreement that it will be repaid. Most borrowed funds are repaid with interest, meaning the borrower pays a certain percentage of the principal amount to the lender as compensation for borrowing.

What is the mean of borrow?

The word borrow means to take something and use it temporarily. You can borrow a book from the library, or borrow twenty bucks from your mom, or even borrow an idea from your friend. Usually , borrow implies taking something temporarily and returning it later.

Which is correct lent or loaned?

They are two different verbs: "to lend" is conjugated "lend, lent, have lent", and "to loan" is conjugated "loan, loaned, have loaned". According to Merriam-Webster, the verb to loan has died out in the U.K. This is corroborated by Google Ngrams, although it now appears to have been reintroduced from AmE.

Can I borrow from my 401k?

The maximum amount that you may take as a 401k loan is generally 50% of your vested account balance, or $50,000, whichever is less. If 50% of your vested account balance is less than $10,000, you may borrow up to $10,000 if your plan allows it.

What is lending and borrowing?

Securities Lending & Borrowing. Securities Lending and Borrowing or stock lending and borrowing refers to the act of lending or borrowing shares. Stock lending and borrowing is done for a stipulated period of time at a certain lending or borrowing fee.