What is the synonym of curiosity?

What is the synonym of curiosity?

inquisitive, intrigued, interested, eager to know, dying to know, burning with curiosity, agog. quizzical, inquiring, searching, probing, querying, questioning, interrogative. perplexed, puzzled, baffled, mystified. informal nosy, nosy-parker, snoopy.

What is a antonym for curious?

Antonyms: apathetic, careless, heedless, inattentive, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested. Synonyms: inquiring, inquisitive, intrusive, meddlesome, meddling, peeping, prying, scrutinizing, searching.

What is the synonyms of innocent?

SYNONYMS FOR innocent 1 sinless, virtuous; faultless, impeccable, spotless, immaculate. 2 Innocent, blameless, guiltless imply freedom from the responsibility of having done wrong. Innocent may imply having done no wrong at any time, and having not even a knowledge of evil: an innocent victim.