What is the sound of short u?

What is the sound of short u?

Short "U" Words The short U sound is what you hear in words like "bus" or "hum." Here are some other great examples of words with the short U sound.

Does cup have a short U sound?

Short U Word Wheel Match 10 words that have the short U sound. The words are jump, sun, drum, truck, cup, umbrella, jug, pup, plum, up.

Is the U in Rule long or short?

In general, the pattern is: “u” + consonant + vowel = Long “u” sound. “u” + consonant + (end of word) = Short “u” sound. “u” + consonant + consonant = Short “u” sound.

Why do Indians pronounce v AS?

This is because most Indian languages have neither sound. The closest Indian sound to either is व, which is a labiodental sound, a combination of u and a. So the Indian व sound is softer than a v but not as soft as a w, but closer to a w, since the u sound is closer to w.