What is the similar word of wisdom?

What is the similar word of wisdom?

SYNONYMS. sagacity, sageness, intelligence, understanding, insight, perception, perceptiveness, percipience, penetration, perspicuity, acuity, discernment, sense, good sense, common sense, shrewdness, astuteness, acumen, smartness, judiciousness, judgement, foresight, clear-sightedness, prudence, circumspection.

What is the synonym and antonym of wisdom?

wisdom. Antonyms: ignorance, illiterateness, sciolism, indiscernment, injudiciousness, folly, imprudence, darkness, empiricism, smattering, inacquaintance. Synonyms: knowledge, erudition, learning, enlightenment, attainment, information, discernment, judgment, sagacity, prudence, light.

What is the meaning of word of wisdom?

In Christianity, the word of wisdom is a spiritual gift listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8. The function that this gift is given varies. Some Christians see in this gift a prophetic-like function. Others see in the word of wisdom a teaching function. This gift is closely related with the gift of the word of knowledge.

Are wisdom and knowledge synonyms?

While wisdom and knowledge are synonyms, the other synonyms for each word, respectively, don't overlap much. And they give more hints at each word's unique meaning. For example, other synonyms for knowledge include: ability.