What is the silent letter in answer?

What is the silent letter in answer?

Silent W. In words that begin with 'wr' such as 'write', do not pronounce the 'w'. The letter is also silent in words like 'answer' and 'two'.

Is the TH in clothes silent?

Clothes – the “th” sound followed by an “s” is very difficult even for native speakers. Pronounce this word just like the word “close” as in: “Please close the door.” Pronounce this word without the “th” sound.

What is the most common silent letter?

eIn English the final e is by far the most common silent letter, as it frequently marks a vowel earlier in the word as long rather than short.

What is the silent letter in the word debt?

Originally Answered: What is the silent letter in the word debt? The 'b' is silent. The letter was inserted in the word by writers and scholars to show its relationship to the Latin word 'debitum'. The word came into English from French and has already lost the 'b' sound by then.