
What is the rule for using too?

What is the rule for using too?

To vs. Too. To is a preposition with several meanings, including “toward” and “until.” Too is an adverb that can mean “excessively” or “also.” Just to be clear: two is pronounced the same as to and too, but it can't be used instead of either of them because it's a number.

Is it correct to say me too?

“Me too” is an elliptical way of saying “[It's from] me too.” Here, “I too” would be incorrect. You'd never say “It's from I too.” On the other hand, if we say, “We're hungry,” and you respond, “I too,” you're technically correct though unnaturally formal (more on that later).

Is it love you too or to?

" I love you, too." should be the correct way of saying, of writing; this "too", means "also", "in the same manner or way", "likewise". It's more colloquial, more popularly used than to say "I also love you".

What is the rule for to and too?

Use "too" to modify or emphasize a word. For example: "The weather is too (excessively) hot". Use "to" for expressing direction, place, or position. "To" can be used when going towards something."I am going to the store" or "Will you just go to bed please!"

Is it to bad or too bad?

It's too bad that. 'Too bad' means regrettable or unfortunate. When using it in a sentence you are expressing a concern or regret for what has taken place. The topic being discussed could have happened to you, the person you are talking to, or someone or something else.

Is it too early or to early?

To me, "too early" means at a point in time before an appropriate point in time, and "too soon" means after too short an interval of time since a certain point in time (or equivalently too long an interval of time before/until a certain point in time).

Is it too long or to long?

The phrase too long means excessively lengthy. Too is an adverb that means more than is desirable. Long means either taking a large amount of time or a measurement of distance.

What is the meaning of you too?

Editor Kory Stamper explains. You, too and same here have different meanings depending on the context, but they generally appear in informal or spoken English to answer a wish or confirm an experience. You, too has two primary uses, and the meaning of the phrase depends quite a bit on punctuation.

Who it belongs to or too?

“Belong to” and “belongs to” are both in the Present Simple Tense but they are referring to different people. “Belong to” could be referring to the grammatical person “I” “you” “we” or “they” whereas “belongs to” can only refer to the third person singular “he” “she” or “it”.

How do you use so?

We use so + that as a conjunction to introduce clauses of reason and explanation: They both went on a diet so that they could play more football with their friends. We also use so + adjective or adverb before that-clauses.

Is it you too or you two?

Which is correct "you too" or " you two"? Both of them are correct depending on the context of use. Both are correct but depending on the context. “You two” means — the two of you or both of you (meaning, you're talking about two people).

Is it to much or too much?

Too much is a phrase that means excessive or excessively. It can be used as an adjective (I ate too much pizza) or an adverb (She texts too much). Here are two more examples of too much as an adjective phrase, Too much work and not enough play make Jack a dull boy.

What does must need mean?

must needs (third-person singular simple present must needs, present participle -, simple past must needs, past participle -) (dated) A pleonastic intensification of must using the adverb needs, meaning “must necessarily”.

What is meant by how do u do?

"What do you do" is a way to ask someone what their job is or what they do for a living. It is a polite question to ask when you first meet someone, or when you are getting to know someone new, or when you haven't seen someone for a long time.

What are you up to answers?

"What are you up to" is a very common and casual (informal) way of saying "What are you doing?" You may also hear people say "What's up?" which has the same implication. Your answer to this should be equally casual, as most people don't expect a long or detailed explanation of what you are doing.

What is the difference between so and too?

To summarize, so is similar to very (but a little stronger) and too is used to used to describe a (negative) situation when something is over a limit.

What is the difference between will and would?

Will and would are verbs, and each can be used many different ways. Will can be a present tense verb that means to cause something to happen through force of desire. … Would is a past tense form of will. It is also a conditional verb that indicates an action that would happen under certain conditions.