What is the role of the patient in healthcare?

What is the role of the patient in healthcare?

Treatment. Ensuring patient safety is a national priority, and everyone involved in the healthcare system has a role, including the patient. Patients can help make their healthcare experience safer by becoming active, involved, and informed members of the healthcare team.

What responsibility do patients have to be active participants in their own healthcare?

Healthcare professionals have a duty to help patients to make decisions about their treatment based on an understanding of the likely benefits and risks rather than on misconceptions. Information should be appropriate to the patient's underlying risk of a future adverse cardiovascular event and any comorbidities.

How do you encourage patient participation?

Offer advice and guidance—using evidence-based patient decision aids—tailored to each patient's' specific needs and circumstances. Discuss each patient's options with him or her, making sure to come to a mutual decision. Give your patients access to their medical records.