What is the point of chain letters?

What is the point of chain letters?

A chain letter is a message that attempts to convince the recipient to make a number of copies and pass them on to a certain number of recipients. The "chain" is an exponentially growing pyramid (a tree graph) that cannot be sustained indefinitely.

What does God say about chain letters?

17). The chain letter is by its very nature a document of chance and superstition. It infers that if we fail to respond, cosmic forces will deprive either the senders or recipients of health, wealth, love. But God, not the chain letter or the fear of evil that it suggests, has all power, and His power is always good.

Why should you not forward chain letters?

You have to submit some personal details and forward the message to other people. False warnings. They warn you a virus is circulating over the web, threatening to crash users' operating systems. They urge you to strengthen your internet security by installing or deleting certain files on/from your system.