What is the plural form of autobus?

What is the plural form of autobus?

The plural form of autobus is autobuses or autobusses (dated).

Is autobus masculine or feminine in Spanish?

s. plural -bus·es, o -bus·ses, autobús masculine , ómnibus masculine.

Is autobus masculine or feminine in French?

So, this is how you say “‘autobus” in english….bus.

French English
1. arrêt d’autobus (masculine noun) bus stop (noun)
2. autobus à impériale (masculine noun) double-decker (noun)

What is the plural of bus in French?

plural. plusieurs pluriel. bus system. système de bus système à bus.

Is L Auto feminine or masculine?

It is masculine ! ‘Auto’ and ‘automobile’ both are the same.

What is Auto in French?

chariot; voiture; bagnole; véhicule; auto.

Is Ristorante masculine or feminine in Italian?

Nouns ending with ” – e ” can be either masculine or feminine: stazione is feminine, ospedale and ristorante are masculine.

Is studente masculine or feminine?

Singular Masculine Feminine
lo (used before masculine nouns starting with s+ consonant, z, gn, x, y, ps, pn, i+vowel: e.g. “lo studente”)
Plural i (used before masculine nouns starting with consonant: e.g. “i libri”) le (used before feminine nouns starting with consonant and vowel: e.g. “le donne, le automobili”)

What is the plural of attrice in Italian?

Male/Female Counterparts in -E l(o)’attore/la attrice (the actor masc/fem) il pittore/la pittrice (the painter masc/fem)

What is the plural of Citta in Italian?

Plural of words which don’t have a plural form

F il re i re
M la città le città

Is Il masculine or feminine French?

The pronoun il and its forms refer to males (like English “he”), while the pronoun elle and its forms refer to females (like English “she”). However, as all French nouns (even inanimate and intangible objects) are either grammatically masculine or feminine, these pronouns can also refer to masculine and feminine nouns.

What is the plural of EST in French?

Before diving into usage, take a look at the different forms: C’est is neuter singular; its plural form is ce sont. Il est is masculine singular; its other forms are elle est (feminine singular), ils sont (masculine plural), and elles sont (feminine plural).

What is the plural of JE in French?

The French subject pronouns are: je (j’), tu, il, elle, on in the singular, and nous, vous, ils, elles in the plural. To say you in French, use tu if you are talking to one person you know well or to a young person.

What is the difference between Bonjour and Salut?

Salut like saying “Hello”, while Bonjour is like” Hello/ Good day/ or Good morning”. But Bonjour is used when you don’t know the person that well. Salut you can say to your friends and family.

What is a lad?

1 : a male person of any age between early boyhood and maturity : boy, youth. 2 : fellow, chap.

Is La French or Spanish?

In French, there is more than one definite article to choose from. All French nouns are either masculine or feminine and, just as in English, they can be either singular or plural….1 The basic rules.

with masculine noun with feminine noun
Singular le (l’) la (l’)
Plural les les

Is Ala a word?

Yes, ala is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Nala a Scrabble word?

Yes, nala is a valid Scrabble word.

Is Le a Scrabble word?

No, le is not in the scrabble dictionary.