What is the pH of aniline?

What is the pH of aniline?

Aniline pKb=9.4. Aniline in solution of its hydrochloride is in form of conjugate acid. To calculate pH of such solution we have to find pKa for aniline and treat it like weak acid. pKa=14-9.4=4.6 – and this value we will put into simplified formula 8.13.

How do you find pH from KB?

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation states that pOH = pKb + log([salt]/[base]). Hence, assuming you know the values of [salt] and [base], you can take the negative log of Kb. Adding pKb and log([salt]/[base]) will then give you your pOH value. From there, subtract pOH from 14 to find pH as pH + pOH = 14.

How do you find the pH of Ca Oh 2?

Ca(OH)2 is a strong base that dissociates in water to give two OH- ions per formula unit. Thus, the concentration of OH- ions in the solution is 2 x (0.011 M ) = 0.022M . We can calculate the pH of the solution in two equivalent ways .

How do you find the pH of a weak base?

The procedure for calculating the pH of a solution of a weak base is similar to that of the weak acid in the sample problem. However, the variable x will represent the concentration of the hydroxide ion. The pH is found by taking the negative logarithm to get the pOH, followed by subtracting from 14 to get the pH.

What pH is NH4Cl?

4.6 to 6.0

What is the pH of a NH4Cl solution?


What is the pH of CH3COOH?

Solution (Continued) Finally, we calculate the pH from the equilibrium concentration of H+(aq): Comment: In Section 16.6 we calculated that a 0.30 M solution of CH3COOH has a pH of 2.64, corresponding to H+] = 2.3 × 10-3 M.

What is the pH of zncl2?

around 4

Is ZnCl2 basic or acidic?

2HCl+Zn(OH)2 = acidic solution because of HCl is a strong acid so ZnCl2 is acidic.

What is Zn HCl?

The metal zinc readily reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas (H2) and zinc chloride (ZnCl2). The zinc reaction produces the heat and hence has the negative enthalpy.

Is Na2HPO4 acidic or basic?

Na2HPO4 is amphoteric: write the two reactions. Na2HPO4 is amphoteric, which means it can act as a base or as a acid depending on which substance they react with.

Which is the most strongest acid?

The world’s strongest superacid is fluoroantimonic acid. Fluoroantimonic acid is a mixture of hydrofluoric acid and antimony pentafluoride. The carbonane superacids are the strongest solo acids.

Which is the most dangerous acid in the world?

Hydrofluoric acid (HF)

Can acid destroy a diamond?

No, acids cannot dissolve diamonds, for the simple reason that a diamonds carbon atoms are too tightly packed together for the Hydrogen ions to be able to dissolve the substance.

What is the strongest natural acid?

Fluoroantimonic acid