What is the percent of oxygen in Al ClO3 3?

What is the percent of oxygen in Al ClO3 3?


What is the product of naclo3?

Sodium Chlorate

What type of reaction is NaClO3?

decomposition reaction

Is NaClO3 a base or acid?

It’s a very strong acid and an oxidizing agent, and has a pKa of around -1 (The pKa of acetic acid is closer to 5 and water is 16).

What are two products of a combustion reaction?

The products of the combustion of hydrocarbons are carbon dioxide and water. Many hydrocarbons are used as fuel because their combustion releases very large amounts of heat energy.

What are some real life examples of combustion?

What are five examples of combustion in your everyday life?

  • Burning of Wood or Coal for the household purposes.
  • Burning of Petrol or Diesel for using vehicles like car.
  • Combustion of Natural Gas or LPG to cook.
  • For the production of energy in thermal power plants.
  • Fireworks.

What is an example of a combustion reaction?

Burning wood in a fire is an example of a combustion reaction. In the combustion reaction, the carbohydrates in wood combine with oxygen to form water and carbon dioxide. This reaction is very energetic, and it generates heat and light as it releases that energy.

What is the formula for combustion?

The products of a complete combustion reaction include carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O). The reaction typically gives off heat and light as well. The general equation for a complete combustion reaction is: Fuel + O2 → CO2 + H2O.

What is the difference between complete and incomplete combustion?

Complete combustion takes place in the presence of a sufficient amount of oxygen while an incomplete combustion reaction takes place when there is an insufficient amount of oxygen supply.

What are the types of combustion?

Here’s a closer look at five types of combustion:

  • Complete Combustion. Complete combustion requires a combination of fuel and oxygen.
  • Incomplete Combustion. Incomplete combustion occurs when there is not enough oxygen for the fuel to fully react.
  • Rapid Combustion.
  • Spontaneous Combustion.
  • Explosive Combustion.

What is difference between burning and combustion?

1 Answer. The basic difference is that combustion is heating and no flames are produced whereas in burning most of the energy is converted to light energy and this results in less heat energy as compared to combustion.

Which is the example of rapid combustion?


What is rapid combustion give example?

Combustion is mainly of four types – explosion, spontaneous , Rapid and slow. RAPID COMBUSTION : Rapid combustion is a process in which large amount of heat and light are released in a very short span of time. For e g – combustion of LPG, a candle or a spirit lamp which produces heat and light instantly.

What do you mean by rapid combustion?

Rapid combustion is a form of combustion in which large amounts of heat and light energy are released. This often occurs as a fire. This is used in a form of machinery, such as internal combustion engines, and in thermobaric weapons.

What is the difference between spontaneous and rapid combustion?

The combustion in which substances suddenly burst into flames, without the application of any apparent cause is called spontaneous combustion. The combustion in which substances burn rapidly to produce heat and light is called rapid combustion.

Which is the hottest part in the flame of the candle?

Due to complete combustion, the outer zone is blue. This zone is the hottest in temperature when compared to the other zones. This blue coloured zone is the non-luminous part of the flame.

Where is the hottest part of a fire?

The hottest part of the flame is the base, so this typically burns with a different colour to the outer edges or the rest of the flame body. Blue flames are the hottest, followed by white. After that, yellow, orange and red are the common colours you’ll see in most fires.

Which flame is hotter blue or red?

Hotter fires burn with more energy which are different colors than cooler fires. Although red usually means hot or danger, in fires it indicates cooler temperatures. While blue represents cooler colors to most, it is the opposite in fires, meaning they are the hottest flames.

Why the Colour of candle flame is yellow?

Candle flame is generally yellow due to the presence of unburnt carbon particles. When light falls on these particles, they scatter yellow colour. This shows that the combustion of hydrocarbons present in wax or candle is not complete.

What is responsible for the emission of yellow light in a candle flame?

Candle burns with a yellow flame because of burning of low energy fuel in a low oxygen content. The incomplete combustion of wax produces small unburnt. Carbon particles which rise in flame, get heated and give yellow and luminous flame.

What part of a wax candle burns it catches fire?


Why does wax burn with a flame?

Because the wick is absorbent it sucks the liquid wax into the wick and upward into the flame. Once the liquid wax gets hot enough, it then turns from a liquid into a gas. The hot gas then reacts with the oxygen from the air and is burned, creating the candle flame that we see.

What happens if you get water in your candle wax?

When water is added to the wax, two things happen. The water expands violently, and throws the hot wax layer above it into the air as small droplets. The wax now has a much bigger surface area exposed to oxygen so combustion takes place very quickly.

Is there is an absence of oxygen what will happen to the candle?

The physical aspect: the candle heats the air and expands it. This cancels the depletion of the oxygen temporarily and the water level stays down. When the oxygen is depleted, the candle goes out and the air cools. The volume of the air decreases and the water rises.

What happens if fire touches wax?

Because the wax has reached a burning temperature, the water will vaporize almost instantaneously, assuming that there is a flame going. When this happens, it throws the burning wax layer above it out into the surrounding area in the form of tiny little melted droplets.