
What is the passage the open boat mostly about?

What is the passage the open boat mostly about?

The main theme of “The Open Boat” is Stephen Crane’s favorite theme of the complete indifference of nature to mankind in a godless universe.

Why is Billie the only named character in the open boat?

Why do yo think Billie is the only named character? Because Billie is the only man who dies in the story, Crane names him to memorialize him. Naming only Billie, Crane pays homage to him and demonstrates how important he was.

Who is the hero in the open boat?

Of the four characters in the boat, the oiler represents the everyman, the one whom Crane intends to resemble the average person most closely. The oiler functions as the lynchpin of the crew, holding everyone together through his staunch heroism.

What are the characteristics of naturalism?

Some general characteristics of Naturalism include the following:

  • An objective, rather than an imaginative and escapist, study of human beings.
  • A belief that at person is governed by his or her passions, heredity, and surroundings, and often is subordinate to the social environment of which he/she is a part.

What does a temple symbolize?

God’s House. The Egyptian word for temple meant “god’s house,” and temples were designed to be the earthly dwellings of the gods. As such, they included all the elements necessary to provide for the care and feeding of the gods.

What is a correspondent on a ship?

The unnamed correspondent is a journalist who survives a shipwreck and is forced to battle the open seas on a ten-foot lifeboat with three other men—the captain, the oiler, and the cook. As the captain gives orders and the cook bails out the boat, the correspondent is responsible for taking turns rowing with the oiler.

What is a correspondent?

1a : one who communicates with another by letter. b : one who has regular commercial relations with another. c : one who contributes news or commentary to a publication (such as a newspaper) or a radio or television network often from a distant place a war correspondent.

What is the conflict of the story The Open Boat?

The main conflict is man vs. nature as the men struggle against an indifferent sea that threatens them with its expansiveness, its sharks, its cold, its current that prevents the boat from finally reaching the shore.

How does paragraph 11 contribute to the development of the narrator’s point of view the open boat?

It places the validity of the narrator’s point of view into question, given how beautiful the scene looks from another angle. It widens the narrator’s perspective to beyond the dinghy, suggesting the narrator is actually on the shore.

What is the most likely reason that the correspondent sets aside his cynical attitude?

The shared adrenaline over the danger creates a bond that he has never experienced before, and the associated euphoria is enough to overcome his historically cynical attitude toward other people.