What is the opposite of uncivilized?
What is the opposite of uncivilized?
Opposite of in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance. educated. enlightened.
What is the opposite of flexibility?
flexible. Antonyms: tough, rigid, inelastic, inflexible, hard, inexorable. Synonyms: pliant, lithe, supple, elastic, easy, indulgent, ductile, flexile, yielding, pliable.
What is the opposite of gullible?
What are the antonyms for GULLIBLE? knowledgeable, wary, cynical, untrusting, unbelieving, shrewd, hardheaded, astute, wise, critical, streetwise, suspicious, clear-eyed, discerning, skeptical, street smart, mistrustful, clear-sighted, perceptive.
What is the opposite of prevailing?
prevailing. Antonyms: mitigated, diminishing, subordinate, powerless. Synonyms: controlling, ruling, influential, operative, predominant, prevalent, rife, ascendant, most general, most common.
What is another word for prevailing?
SYNONYMS FOR prevailing 1 preponderant, preponderating, dominant; prevalent. 2 common, widespread. 4 effective.
What is the best synonym for prevailing?
other words for prevailing
- current.
- predominant.
- prevalent.
- rampant.
- universal.
- usual.
- established.
- set.
What is the meaning of revealing?
Reveal, disclose, divulge
What does the word prevail mean in the Bible?
1 : to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : triumph. 2 : to be or become effective or effectual.
What prevailing means?
Something that is prevalent or most common can be described as prevailing. The prevailing opinion in your family might be that your cousin Bob who sleeps in his closet is certifiably insane. The adjective prevailing comes from the Latin words prae, meaning before, and valere, meaning to be strong or have power.
What is a prevailing prayer?
Quite simply, Moody defines prevailing prayer as prayer that “involves the whole of our being.
What does with no prevail mean?
Also, of little or no avail. Of no use or advantage, ineffective, as in All his shouting was to no avail; no one could hear him, or The life jacket was of little or no avail. This idiom uses avail in the sense of “advantage” or “assistance,” a usage dating from the mid-1400s.
What does it mean God will prevail?
(Romans 8:28). What this verse means is that God in his mercy and grace will use all that the enemy used for bad, to harm you and turn it all around to work out for your own good, to prosper you. This includes trials, temptations, past mistakes etc. God is faithful and he will do it.
How do you use the word prevail?
to be or prove superior in strength, power, or influence (usually followed by over): They prevailed over their enemies in the battle. to succeed; become dominant; win out: to wish that the right side might prevail. to use persuasion or inducement successfully: He prevailed upon us to accompany him.
What is a avail?
: to produce or result in as a benefit or advantage : gain His efforts availed him nothing. avail oneself of or less commonly avail of. : to make use of : to take advantage of They availed themselves of his services.
What does Barb mean?
(Entry 1 of 4) 1 : a medieval cloth headdress passing over or under the chin and covering the neck. 2a : a sharp projection extending backward (as from the point of an arrow or fishhook) and preventing easy extraction also : a sharp projection with its point similarly oblique to something else.
What is a synonym for avail?
In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for avail, like: assistance, profit, benefit, meet, usefulness, suffice, help, favor, advantage, serve and use.
What does the Bible mean by being fruitful?
There’s a famous line from the Bible: “Be fruitful and multiply.” That gives you a pretty good sense of the word: fruitful activity multiplies or adds to what’s already there, producing more of something.
What is another word for fruitful?
Some common synonyms of fruitful are fecund, fertile, and prolific. While all these words mean “producing or capable of producing offspring or fruit,” fruitful adds to fertile and fecund the implication of desirable or useful results.
What is the root word of fruitful?
fruitful (adj.) c. 1300, of trees, from fruit + -ful.
Is fruitfulness a word?
Fruitfulness is a state of being extremely productive or prolific.
What does fruitful mean in Hebrew?
פְּרוּ וּרְבוּ Meaning: Be fruitful, and multiply.
What is a fruitful life?
What does it mean to have a fruitful life verses a successful life. Whereas a fruitful life begins with contentment—contentment about who we are and joy about the unique gifts we’ve were given. Knowing our value is complete and untouchable leads to our ability to bear true fruit.
What is a synonym for fruitful day?
1 fecund, fertile, fructiferous. 2 abundant, copious, flush, plenteous, plentiful, productive, profuse, prolific, rich, spawning. 3 advantageous, beneficial, effective, gainful, productive, profitable, rewarding, successful, useful, well-spent, worthwhile.
What is a fruitful day?
1 adj Something that is fruitful produces good and useful results. (=productive) We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship…, The talks had been fruitful, but much remained to be done.
What is the opposite of fruitful?
fruitful. Antonyms: unproductive, sterile, barren, fruitless, ineffectual, useless, abortive. Synonyms: productive, prolific, pregnant, fraught, causative, effectual, useful, successful, fertile, abundant, plenteous, fecund, plentiful.