What is the opposite of situation?

What is the opposite of situation?

What is the opposite of situation?

avocation unemployment
idleness joblessness
job loss redundancy
worklessness retirement

What’s another word for scenario?

What is another word for scenario?

outline screenplay
synopsis plot
storyline layout
plan rundown
scheme sketch

What is a antonym for demonstrate?

Antonyms. disincarnate weaken hide contraindicate disappear. Etymology. demonstrate (English) demonstro (Latin)

What are the 5 example of antonyms?

Antonym Examples

Achieve – Fail Giant – Dwarf Random – Specific
Arrogant – Humble Knowledge – Ignorance Single – Married
Attack – Defend Liquid – Solid Sunny – Cloudy
Blunt – Sharp Marvelous – Terrible Timid – Bold
Brave – Cowardly Noisy – Quiet Toward – Away

What is another word for 50 50?

50-50 Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for 50-50?

equally fifty-fifty
in half in two
half and half

What is the synonym of delineate?

verb. ( Synonyms. line describe write construct inscribe trace draw mark circumscribe. Antonyms. dissuasion erase misconception level discharge.

What is the synonym of happy?

SYNONYMS FOR happy 1 joyous, joyful, blithe, cheerful, merry, contented, blissful, satisfied. 4 favorable, propitious; successful, prosperous. 6 appropriate, fitting, opportune, pertinent.

What is a better word for happily?

In this page you can discover 80 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for happily, like: joyfully, cheerfully, gladly, successfully, joyously, brightly, contentedly, blithely, merrily, exultantly and delightedly.

What is the antonym of happy?

Words popularity by usage frequency

ranking word
#14572 unhappy
#17102 miserable
#17103 unsuccessful
#19538 unwilling

What is the synonym of exotic?

SYNONYMS. striking, colourful, eye-catching. unusual, unconventional, out of the ordinary, extravagant, off-centre, remarkable, sensational, astonishing, strange, outlandish, bizarre, fantastic, peculiar, weird, outrageous, curious, different, unfamiliar. Bohemian, alternative, avant-garde, foreign-looking.

What is the synonym and antonym of happy?

Synonyms. prosperous happiness content bright joyous glad cheerful felicitous joyful halcyon euphoric riant golden blessed elated felicity blissful laughing contented. Antonyms. depressing unhappy sad dejected discontented dysphoric unhappiness sorrowful joyless infelicitous.

What is the antonym of old?

Antonyms. junior inexperienced young immature light.

What is the synonym of rich?

SYNONYMS. wealthy, affluent, moneyed, cash rich, well off, well-to-do, with deep pockets, prosperous, opulent, substantial, propertied.

Why are children delighted?

The children were delighted because the exams had been cancelled.

What is the synonym of delighted?

Synonyms for delighted. agreed (with), contented, feasted, gassed.

What is the adjective of delight?

adjective. giving great pleasure or delight; highly pleasing: a delightful surprise.

What is the difference between happy and delighted?

The difference between Delighted and Happy. When used as adjectives, delighted means greatly pleased, whereas happy means having a feeling arising from a consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment. Happy is also noun with the meaning: preceded by : happy people as a group.

What is the meaning of glad?

1a : experiencing pleasure, joy, or delight : made happy. b : very willing glad to do it. c : made pleased, satisfied, or grateful —often used with of was glad of their help.

What is the meaning of pleased?

happy or satisfied: a pleased expression. Mom was not pleased when she saw my grades. (I’m) pleased to meet you. A person may say (I’m) pleased to meet you as a polite way of greeting someone when they meet for the first time..

What is the synonym of pleased?

What is another word for pleased?

happy delighted
tickled elated
grateful overjoyed
blissful euphoric
joyful joyous