What is the opposite of reserved?

What is the opposite of reserved?

reserved(adj) set aside for the use of a particular person or party. Antonyms: unreserved, first-come-first-serve(p), rush, unbooked.

What is the opposite of malheureux?

Opposite of in a despondent state. happy. blissful.

What is the opposite of reserved in Spanish?

Opposite of reserved | Spanish Translator. opposite of reserved. Translation. opuesto de reservado. Play.

What is the opposite of mauvais in French?

Answer: bon is the opposite of mauvais.

What Mal mean in English?

1 : bad : badly maltreat. 2 : abnormal : abnormally malformation. mal.

What is the feminine form of mauvais?

The French translation for “bad (feminine)” is mauvaise.

What is the feminine of gros in French?


What is the feminine of Ennuyeux in French?

Irregular adjectives

Ending Feminine ending Masculine singular
-eux (except for vieux) -euse ennuyeux
-s -se mauvais
-e -e jaune
-er -ère premier

What is the feminine of Fou in French?

[ masculine ] noun. (also folle [ feminine ])7 dias atrás

What is the feminine form of Nouveau?


What is the feminine form of Frais?

Frais means “fresh” or “cool” and we use it with masculine singular nouns. To refer to feminine singular nouns we use fraîche. The masculine plural is the same as the masculine singular: frais.

What is a fou?

adjective. crazy [adjective] very enthusiastic. She’s crazy about her boyfriend. crazy [adjective] insane.7 dias atrás

What does fufu mean in French?

[fufu ] Word forms: foufou, fofolle [fɔfɔl ] adjective. nutty (informal) ⧫ scatty (informal)

What does Foofoo mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) slang. : fool, ninny. foo-foo. noun (2)

What does amour fou mean?

mad love : obsessive passion

What does fufu mean in Korean?

“Fufufu” is also laughing, but it’s a different type of laughter. It’s more of a snicker, or else condescending or mischievous laughter. The nearest English onomatopoeia would probably be “Hehehe”….

Is Fufu healthy to eat?

Fufu or akpu is a good source of fiber which is very beneficial in improving the digestive system and overall health. Studies also have shown that high-fiber foods may have other heart-health benefits, such as reducing blood pressure and inflammation. Helps control blood sugar levels….

What does fufu taste like?

What does fufu taste like? The taste of fufu varies, depending on the ingredients used to prepare it, but its taste can best be described as sour, bland, or tart. Fufu is not eaten alone and is usually eaten with an African soup, which is usually very rich and flavorful, and sometimes spicy….

Why is fufu not chewed?

Fufu is a soft doughy and swallow staple food which is eaten with soup (Liquid or draw) like Groundnut soup, Ogbono, Palm Nut Soup, Egusi Soup, Light soups etc. Due to the the nature of the soup eaten with it, you cannot chew it even some people do it but mostly you have to swallow.

Does fufu make you thick?

Many times many have asked: “Is fufu fattening?” The simple answer to this question is YES. Fufu (and eba and other cassava derivatives) are intensely fattening. The food is basically starch and not only do starches contain carbs and calories that make you gain weight — they also increase your muscle glycogen stores….

Is pounded yam fufu?

Pounded Yam is a popular African dish similar to mashed potatoes but heavier. Pounded Yam is very smooth and tasty. It is often eaten with vegetable soup.

What is Ghana fufu?

Fufu (or fufuo, foofoo, foufou) is a popular West African food. In Twi, fufu means “mash or mix” for a soft and doughy staple food of the Akan ethnic groups in Ghana and other West African countries. In other West African countries, it is eaten with hot pepper soup, okra, or other kinds of stew.

Is EBA a fufu?

Eba is one of the most common swallow (Fufu) in Nigeria. It is made with processed cassava called garri….

Why is my fufu so sticky?

If it starts getting sticky or too thick, add a bit of water and keep going. The entire mixture should be nice and smooth like dens made potato. That is traditionally how Fufu is served, I like it more as a potato substitute side dish….

How do you get lumps out of fufu?

Place the raw fufu in a pot then run through it with your hands to dissolve any excess lumps. Add a quarter cup of water and mix to form a paste. Place on medium high heat then cover and let it rest for two minutes. Begin stirring with a wooden spoon, mixing hard enough to dissolve the lumps that form as it cooks….

What do you eat with fufu?

Fufu is an excellent accompaniment to any soup or stew, especially those of West African descent, such as light soup (nkrakra), groundnut soup (nkate nkwan), palm nut soup (abenkwan), green vegetable soup (abun abun), egusi soup and more….

How is neat fufu prepared?

Neat Plantain Fufu preparation is easy: mix a cupful of the flour with cold water, stir until its smooth and consistent with no lumps. Put the mixture in the microwave for 3 minutes for cook, remove and stir with your banku pestle. Repeat 1 more and your fufu will be ready to be served with any soup of your preference.

How do you stir fufu?


  1. Pour 2 cups of fufu powder into a clean dry pot and mix properly with water into a thick paste.
  2. Place on stove, turn on medium heat and stir.
  3. Turn heat to low, and continue to stir.
  4. After about 15 minutes, when the fufu is formed into a neat dough, and doesn’t look or taste floury, you’re done.

What is fufu powder made of?

Made from mashed plantain, cassava & potato granules, that is fermented and milled into fine flour. It is cooked into a very smooth and soft dough, and serve as a great side dish to any protein-rich food. Also can be used for frying meats, fish and poultry as well as thickening gravy, soup or stew.

How do you store fufu?

Take the cooked fufu and place it on the centre of your plastic wrap and wrap it tightly such that air and moisture do not get inside. This will actually help to preserve your cooked fufu. After wrapping it place it in an air tight container or freezer bag. The next thing is to store the cooked fufu in the fridge.