What is the opposite of reserve?

What is the opposite of reserve?

Antonyms for reserve liberation, boldness, freedom.

What is a antonym for reservation?

Antonyms. nonparticipation inactivity unemployment evil wasteful.

What is the synonym of reserve?

keep, save, hold, keep in reserve, hold back, retain, conserve, preserve, put away, withhold, earmark.

What is a antonym for vacant?

vacant. Antonyms: full, replenished, business, employed, engaged, occupied, filled, thoughtful. Synonyms: empty, leisure, unemployed, unencumbered, unoccupied, void, unfilled, mindless, exhausted.

Does vacant mean empty?

adjective. having no contents; empty; void: a vacant niche. having no occupant; unoccupied: no vacant seats on this train. not in use: a vacant room.

What is the verb of vacant?

vacate. To move out of a dwelling, either by choice or by eviction. To leave an office or position. To have a court judgement set aside; to annul.

What is a vacant person?

You can use the adjective vacant to describe something that is empty — an apartment with no tenant or furniture, a job with no worker, or a person with no brainpower. A vacant look or stare, however, is one that shows no intelligence or the slightest spark of interest.

What is a vacant position?

So a ‘vacant’ position means that the position is unoccupied now. It may have been vacated or it could’ve never been occupied in the first place. A ‘vacated’ position means that there was somebody who was occupying that position and now, that place is unoccupied.

What does verge mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : brink, threshold a country on the verge of destruction— Archibald MacLeish. b : something that borders, limits, or bounds: such as. (1) : an outer margin of an object or structural part.

What is a soft verge?

n. (Automotive Engineering) a soft edge along the side of a road that is unsuitable for vehicles to drive on.

What is a verge on the road?

Roadside verges are defined as the strip of land between the roadside and the fence, hedge or wall adjacent to it. Many roadside verges have become smaller or have been removed altogether due to road widening and placing footpaths next to roads.

Is verge a Scrabble word?

Yes, verge is in the scrabble dictionary.

Do I own the grass verge in front of my house?

As a general rule Land Registry title plans do not show roads, pavements or grass verges outside of a building or parcel of land. However, there is a legal presumption in common law that the property fronting onto the road includes ownership of the paving, grass verge and road to the mid-point thereof.

Is putting rocks on grass verge illegal?

Today I discovered that councils that completely ignore cars left all over the verges then get agitated when local residents use painted rocks, home-made posts or whatever to protect these very same verges. Councils refer to these rocks as ‘items left illegally on the verge’.

Who is responsible for grass verges?

Grass cutting on road verges is done by the Department for Infrastructure for road safety reasons only and for no other reason. Roadside trees/ hedges are the responsibility of the owner/occupier of the land they’re on.

Can I plant a tree on the grass verge outside my house?

Is the verge yours? If it’s just outside your house but not within your curtailage you don’t own it and can’t plant on it. You could approach your council but there will be issues with maintenance, highways sight lines and public liability and it is likely that they will not be receptive.

Are verges public property?

A road verge is a strip of grass or plants, and sometimes also trees, located between a roadway (carriageway) and a sidewalk (pavement). Verges are known by dozens of other names, often quite regional; see Terminology, below. The land is often public property, with maintenance usually being a municipal responsibility.

Can I put posts on my grass verge?

No, it doesn’t, and no, it won’t. It’s not unusual for councils to put large wooden posts around green spaces and along extended grass verges, in order to prevent this sort of thing happening, and it doesn’t stop them cutting the grass, either.

Can I park on grass verge?

Parking on footways or footpaths (pavements, grass verges, alleyways, etc), or in front of dropped footways or raised carriageways (for example driveways or pedestrian crossings) is banned on almost all streets in London at all times, including at night and weekends.

How do I protect my yard from my car?

Best Barriers To Keep Cars OFF YOUR LAWN!!

  1. Driveway Boulders – Rock & Fiberglass.
  2. Driveway Pole Markers.
  3. Parking Posts.
  4. Parking Cones.
  5. Driveway Guards Safety Netting.
  6. Safety Fencing.
  7. Caltrops.
  8. Spike Strips.

Is the grass verge part of the road?

Lanes and rural roads often have wide grass verges but these are as much part of the highway as the Tarmac. If the tree grows in the verge you might say it’s the highway authority’s liability but they may argue that the roots are in the subsoil so therefore you are liable.

Who owns the pavement outside my house?

It is the County Council who are responsible for maintaining pavements. You should write to their chief executive. If its damaged due to weather and is dangerous, then the CC should maintain. that is correct.

Why do we have grass verges?

With over 97% of ancient wild flower meadows destroyed since the 1930s, road verges are a vital refuge for many bees, butterflies, birds, bats and bugs – a good verge will supply a diverse source of nectar and pollen from the first celandines in February to the last Devil’s-bit scabious in September.

Can you park on grass verge UK?

There is no legal right to park on a road, verge or footway. Under national legislation, goods vehicles weighing 7.5 tonnes or over are prohibited from parking on grass verges, and Civil Enforcement Officers can issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to offending vehicles.

What do you put on grass to park a car?

Thick plastic grass reinforcement mesh and porous plastic pavers are designed for ground reinforcement for parking cars and vehicles on grass. Parking on grass is a necessity where space is limited or a special event is on. The problems are caused because grass is not designed to be trafficked by car wheels.

Who owns the grass verge UK?

Where the highway authority acquired the site of the road by purchase, but has only metalled the centre, it has the same legal interest in the verges as any other freeholder has in his own land. It owns the surface and all the soil beneath. Roads taken over by highway authorities vest in them together with the verges.

What is a highway boundary?

The boundary of the highway could well be the fence, hedge or wall running parallel with a road, but when verges are wide, on different levels or land is unfenced, a defined boundary to the highway may be more elusive.

Who owns the pavement outside my house UK?

Most councils are responsible for maintaining the majority of pavements including removing weeds, replacing broken or missing slabs.

What is Highwayland?

Highways are areas of land over which the public at large has rights of way. Highways may be maintained by local highway authorities at public expense. However, where land is highway, it is not necessarily owned by the relevant highway authority.

Is an adopted road owned by the council?

Road adoption is a process where a road in private ownership becomes a public road, or ‘adopted highway’. This is then managed and maintained by the council, as part of the public highway if its layout and construction meet the appropriate standards.