What is the opposite of privileged?

What is the opposite of privileged?

privilege. Antonyms: disfranchisement, disqualification, exclusion, prohibition, inhibition. Synonyms: prerogative, im-munity, franchise, right, liberty, advantage, claim, exemption.

What is the opposite of leaves?

What is the opposite of leaves?

removes eliminates
frees purges
strips eradicates
erases extinguishes
abolishes banishes

What is the opposite of animate?

Antonyms for animate discouraged, inactive, dull, shy, quiet, spiritless, dead.

What’s another word for animate?

Some common synonyms of animate are enliven, quicken, and vivify. While all these words mean “to make alive or lively,” animate emphasizes the imparting of motion or vitality to what is or might be mechanical or artificial.

What is opposite of learn?

“This program will teach you how to maximize your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses.”…What is the opposite of learn?

disregard forget
pass over miss
misunderstand lose
fail misinterpret
unlearn avoid

What is the opposite of literate?

If you’re literate you can read and write, and since you’re reading this, that’s what you are. Literate can also mean more than just being able to read and write, but being really fluent in a field. The opposite of literate is illiterate.

What do you call an honest person?

What is another word for honest person?

straight arrow good person
salt of the earth square shooter
straight shooter truth-teller
upright person

What is another word for not loyal?

Frequently Asked Questions About disloyal Some common synonyms of disloyal are faithless, false, perfidious, traitorous, and treacherous. While all these words mean “untrue to what should command one’s fidelity or allegiance,” disloyal implies a lack of complete faithfulness to a friend, cause, leader, or country.

Why is the opposite of love not hate?

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.

Is the opposite of love fear?

What is the opposite of love? Paulo Freire, a Brazilian expert on education says: “The opposite of love is not, as we many times or almost always think, hatred, but the fear to love, and fear to love is the fear of being free.” Love softens you, fear hardens you. Love opens the universe, fear isolates you in yourself….

Is 0 is a negative integer?

Because zero is neither positive nor negative, the term nonnegative is sometimes used to refer to a number that is either positive or zero, while nonpositive is used to refer to a number that is either negative or zero. Zero is a neutral number.