What is the opposite of matinee?
What is the opposite of matinee?
Opposite words for matinee: daytime performance.
What is the antonym of lightly?
laboriously, sedulously, intently, gracelessly, meticulously, violently, indefatigably, effortfully, harshly, clumsily, Difficultly, painfully, strenuously, strongly, indelicately, tirelessly, intensely, mightily, assiduously, painstakingly, ineptly, roughly, thoroughly, arduously, industriously, awkwardly, uncarefully …
What is a antonym for episode?
Antonyms. basic sympatry absence allopatry tragedy.
What is the opposite of leniency?
Opposite of kind or lenient, often to excess. strict. tough. hardhearted. callous.
What does leniency mean?
1 : the quality or state of being lenient the leniency of the punishment. 2 : a lenient disposition or practice The prisoner asked the judge for leniency. Synonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More about leniency.
What does it mean when someone shows leniency?
Leniency is a noun that refers to the lessening of a punishment or chore. Your father’s leniency, for example, resulted in you not having to paint the entire house like your mother wanted. Instead you just had to paint the garage. Leniency also refers to a person’s sense of mercy or tolerance.
What’s another word for leniency?
Some common synonyms of leniency are charity, clemency, grace, and mercy. While all these words mean “a disposition to show kindness or compassion,” leniency implies lack of severity in punishing.
What is another word for lenient?
What is another word for lenient?
gentle | merciful |
sparing | clement |
compassionate | forgiving |
kind | tolerant |
forbearing | indulgent |
How do you spell leniency?
noun, plural le·ni·en·cies. the quality or state of being lenient.
How would you define a lenient teacher?
A lenient teacher is easygoing and takes things as they come. He/she is not overly finicky about things, such as doing homework on time or not sitting quietly in the class, etc. Such teachers very well realize that being strict with a child can only make him/her withdrawn.
What is a lenient sentence?
Definition of Lenient. lax; not strict. Examples of Lenient in a sentence. 1. Because my father is not lenient, I am not allowed to attend any of my friends’ birthday parties unless he accompanies me.
How do you use leniency in a sentence?
Leniency in a Sentence 🔉
- Despite his history of violent, the judge decided to grant him leniency due to his quick admission of guilt.
- Because he agreed to expose his supplier, the drug dealer was granted leniency in his sentencing.
What is the meaning of lenient parent?
1. Inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful or indulgent: lenient parents. 2. Not harsh or strict; merciful or generous: lenient rules. [Obsolete French, from Latin lēniēns, lēnient-, present participle of lēnīre, to pacify, from lēnis, soft; see lē- in Indo-European roots.]
What does too lenient mean?
If you’re not overly strict, and you show tolerance and mercy when someone does something wrong, you’re being lenient. Lenient means tolerant or relaxed, and is usually used when we’re talking about someone’s attitude toward discipline.
Who is a lenient person?
What part of speech is the word lenient?
adjective. agreeably tolerant; permissive; indulgent: He tended to be lenient toward the children.
What is the mean of Strictly?
in a strict manner; rigorously; stringently: strictly enforced. precisely or candidly; factually: strictly speaking.
What is a word for very strict or harsh?
The best word for that look is stern, meaning “strict” or “severe.” Stern, strict, severe, harsh, unforgiving — they all more or less mean the same thing, which is very tough and exacting, with a little helping of seriousness thrown in for good measure.
What does Stearn mean?
Stearn is a surname derived from the Anglo-Saxon Stearne, which means severe or strict. Variations include Stearns, Sterne and Stern.
What is the meaning of rigidly?
stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: a rigid strip of metal. firmly fixed or set. inflexible, strict, or severe: a rigid disciplinarian; rigid rules of social behavior.
What does easily slighted mean?
to treat (someone) with indifference; ignore, especially pointedly or contemptuously; snub: to be slighted by society.
What does torment mean?
: extreme physical or mental pain. : something that causes extreme physical or mental pain. torment.