What is the opposite of clear?

What is the opposite of clear?

What is the opposite of clear?

murky cloudy
foggy hazy

What is the clear method?

Method. The CLEAR method helps you consider your needs for achieving job goals, which may differ from day-to-day personal goals. Here’s how it works. CLEAR stands for Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, Refinable.

How do you clear a list?

If you’re clearing the list, you, obviously, don’t need the list anymore. If so, you can just delete the entire list by simple del method….To actually clear a list in-place, you can use any of these ways:

  1. alist. clear() # Python 3.3+, most obvious.
  2. del alist[:]
  3. alist[:] = []
  4. alist *= 0 # fastest.

How do you clear a set?

C++ set clear() function is used to remove all the elements of the set container. It clears the set and converts its size to 0….Example 2

  1. #include
  2. #include <set>
  3. using namespace std;
  4. int main ()
  5. {
  6. set myset;
  7. myset = {“Nikita”,”Deep”,”Aman”};
  8. cout << “myset contains:\n”;

What must a clear goal be?

When you set a goal, whether in business, career, or life, it must be a clear and compelling statement–one that can be built out, embraced, and acted upon by every member of the team.

What are the 5 smart goals?

By making sure the goals you set are aligned with the five SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound), you have an anchor on which to base all of your focus and decision-making.

What is better than smart goals?

Make Goals FAST, Not SMART According to conventional wisdom, goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. To drive strategy execution, leaders should instead set goals that are FAST — frequently discussed, ambitious, specific, and transparent.

What is goal stand for?


Acronym Definition
GOAL Group on Advanced Leadership (advocacy)
GOAL Get Out And Look
GOAL Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (Georgia Technical Colleges)
GOAL Gifted Online Accelerated Learning (Center for Distance Learning & Independent Study)

What is full form of goal?

GOALS. Graduation Opportunity Achievement Leadership And Success.

What is the acronym for goal setting?

A prevalent process for setting goals uses the SMART acronym, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

What is another word for goals?

Some common synonyms of goal are aim, design, end, intention, intent, objective, object, and purpose.

What is a better word for was?

What is another word for was?

appeared became
looked seemed
came to be had been
has been have been
turned out to be were

What is another word for aim or purpose?

Some common synonyms of purpose are aim, design, end, goal, intention, intent, objective, and object.

What is the antonym of goal?

What is the opposite of goal?

pointlessness aimlessness
futility purposelessness
hopelessness triviality
inanity insignificance
unimportance meaninglessness

What is another word for underestimate?

SYNONYMS FOR underestimate 1 undervalue, underrate, misjudge, miscalculate.

What is another word for Will?

What is another word for will?

desire wish
mind preference
inclination intention
pleasure disposition
fancy intent

What another word for could?

What is another word for could?

would can
possibly will might perhaps
could perhaps could potentially
might possibly might potentially
potentially will may potentially

What is another word for also?

In this page you can discover 46 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for also, like: as-well, additionally, in-addition, besides, along-with, plus, moreover, too, likewise, in like manner (with) and similarly.

What is another word for and?

What is another word for and?

furthermore moreover
else on top
otherwise over and above
in conjunction with along
and all in the same way

What is the meaning of could?

The definition of could is often used in the place of “can” to show a little doubt. An example of could is someone asking if they can help someone. An example of could is saying that something is able to happen if someone does something. verb.

Where is could used?

“Could” is a modal verb used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and requests. “Could” is also commonly used in conditional sentences as the conditional form of “can.” Examples: Extreme rain could cause the river to flood the city.

What does should mean?

verb. the past tense of shall : used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that an action is considered by the speaker to be obligatory (you should go) or to form the subjunctive mood with I or we (I should like to see you; if I should be late, go without me)See also shall.

What does could imply?

When to Use Could Could is the past tense of can, a verb used to denote ability. In this sense, could refers to some ability that someone had in the past. For example, In high school, I could dunk a basketball.

How do you imply something without saying it?

Innuendo in Latin means “to point to” or “nod to.” When you refer to something indirectly, you point at it without mentioning it, making an innuendo.

What is difference between implication and inference?

The difference between the two is that imply refers to giving information, while infer refers to receiving information. Imply means to strongly suggest the truth or existence of something that is not expressly stated. The speaker, or someone who is giving information, may imply something.

What is the difference between insinuate and imply?

Insinuate, as shown on the site vocabulary.com, means suggest in an indirect or covert way, and imply means to express or state indirectly.